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National Academies NIOSH Program Review : Traumatic Injury Research and Prevention

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Traumatic Injury Research and Prevention Program NAS Evidence Report

In 2005, NIOSH requested that the National Academies undertake a review of NIOSH research programs with respect to their relevance, impact, and future direction. The Traumatic Injury (TI) Research and Prevention Program of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is seeking external review by the National Academies (NA) to assess its contribution to the public good and to improve its research. TI was guided in the preparation of the evidence package presented herein by the 12/19/2005 evaluation Framework. The Framework outlines a process for review of NIOSH programs and an organized list of examples of the kinds of evidence that the research programs could provide to assist with that process. We welcome this NA review as an opportunity to bring objective, expert insight to bear upon where we’ve been and what we’ve done, and to ultimately improve the relevance and impact of the TI program and it’s potential to reduce risks, injuries, and deaths among workers.

Front Matter
(6 pages; 385 kb)

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
(4 pages; 383 kb)
II. Executive Summary
(6 pages; 387 kb)
III. Overview of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(12 pages; 524 kb)

Legislative Authorities
Mission and Values
Organization and Management
Planning and Logic Model

IV. Overview of Traumatic Injuries (TI) Research Program
(30 pages; 734 kb)

Background: Traumatic Occupational Injuries
Brief History of the NIOSH TI Research and Prevention Program
TI Strategic Planning and Program Direction from 1979 through 1995:
Laying the Foundation
TI Strategic Planning and Program Direction from 1996 through 2007:
Ensuring Relevance and Impact

V. Current TI research Goals
(141 pages;1,304 kb)

1. Reduce injuries and fatalities due to motor-vehicles
2. Reduce injuries and fatalities due to falls from elevations
3. Reduce injuries and fatalities due to workplace violence
4. Reduce injuries and fatalities due to machines
5. Reduce acute back injury
6. Reduce injuries and fatalities among workers in Alaska
7. Reduce injuries and fatalities to emergency responders
8. Reduce injuries and fatalities to working youth

VI. TI Strategic Goals for the Future
(11 pages; 409 kb)
Appendix 1. Supporting Evidence by Goal/Sub goal
(77 pages; 582 kb)
Appendix 2. TI Intramural and Extramural Projects
TI Intramural Projects
(170 pages; 915 kb)
TI Extramural Projects
(77 pages; 423 kb)
Appendix 3. TI Management and Research Staff
(199 pages; 680 kb)
Appendix 4. TI Informational Resources
(51 pages; 270 kb)
Appendix 5. TI Laboratory Facilities and Specialized Equipment
(18 pages; 73 kb)
Appendix 6. TI Partners and Stakeholders
(133 pages; 540 kb)
Appendix 7. TI Sponsored or Supported Workshops/Conferences
(40 pages; 165 kb)
Appendix 8. Previous TI Program Evaluations
(11 pages; 63 kb)
Appendix 9. Citation and Dissemination Data for TI Output
(13 pages; 89 kb)

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NIOSH Program:

Traumatic Injury Research and Prevention

Cover of TI Evidence Package

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