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National Research Forum on Nicotine Addiction - smoke spacer

Addicted to Nicotine
A National Research Forum


[Click on name to view Biography, click on title to view Summary, click on video to view footage of the presentation in RealVideo format]

Monday, July 27
Introduction, [video, 19 min]
[video, 10 min]

Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D.
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH
Nancy J. Kaufman, R.N.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

[video, 7 min]Co-Chair Remarks
Timothy P. Condon, Ph.D.
Jaylan S. Turkkan, Ph.D.

National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH
Section I: History and Pharmacology , [video, 55 min]
[video, 8.5 min]Introduction
Jack E. Henningfield, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine & Pinney Associates
[video, 13 min]Nicotine Delivery Systems
John Slade, M.D.
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
[video, 18 min]Pharmacology of Nicotine
Jack E. Henningfield, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine & Pinney Associates
[video, 13 min]Questions and Answers
Section II: Nicotine-Individual Risk Factors for Initiation , [video, 113 min]
[video, 4.5 min]Introduction
Richard R. Clayton, Ph.D.
Center for Prevention Research
University of Kentucky
[video, 15 min]Ethnicity, Gender and Risk Factors for Smoking Initiation
Robin Mermelstein, Ph.D.
Health Research and Policy Center
University of Illinois at Chicago
[video, 15 min]Child and Adolescent Psychopathology as Risk Factors for Tobacco Use
Robert J. McMahon, Ph.D.
Child Clinical Psychology Program
University of Washington
[video, 15.5 min]The Genetic Epidemiology of Smoking
Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D.
Medical College of Virginia
Virginia Commonwealth University
[video, 13.5 min]Nicotine Metabolism Variability and Nicotine Addiction
Karen Ahijevych, Ph.D.
College of Nursing
Ohio State University
[video, 12 min]A Common Genetic Defect in Nicotine Metabolism Decreases Smoking
Rachel Tyndale, Ph.D.
Department of Pharmacology
University of Toronto
[video, 6 min]Discussion
Moon S. Chen, Jr., Ph.D., M.P.H.
School of Public Health
Ohio State University
[video, 10 min]Discussion
Gary E. Swan, Ph.D.
Center for Health Sciences
SRI International
[video, 17.5 min]Questions and Answers
Keynote Address , [video, 31 min]
[video, 4 min]

Introduction of Keynote Address
Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D.
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH
Harold E. Varmus, M.D.
Director, National Institutes of Health

[video, 27 min]

Keynote Address
Vice President Al Gore

Section III: Nicotine-Environmental Risk Factors for Initiation , [video, 115 min]
[video, 2 min]Introduction
Nancy J. Kaufman, R.N., Chair
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
[video, 16 min]Economics
Frank J. Chaloupka, Ph.D.
Department of Economics
University of Illinois at Chicago
[video, 14 min]Advertising and Promotion
John P. Pierce, Ph.D.
Cancer Prevention and Control Program
University of California at San Diego
[video, 14 min]Access to Tobacco
Nancy A. Rigotti, M.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
[video, 14.5 min]Effective Prevention Programs for Tobacco Use
Mary Ann Pentz, Ph.D.
Norris Cancer Center
University of Southern California
[video, 7.5 min]Discussion
Warren Bickel, Ph.D.
Human Behavioral Pharmacology Lab
University of Vermont
[video, 10 min]Discussion
Brian A. Flay, Ph.D.
School of Public Health
University of Illinois at Chicago
[video, 19.5 min]Questions and Answers
[video, 2 min]Closing Remarks
Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D.
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH

Tuesday, July 28
[video, 2.5 min]Opening Remarks
Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D.
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH
Jaylan S. Turkkan, Ph.D.
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH
Section IV: Biology of Nicotine Addiction, [video, 120 min]
[video, 4 min]Introduction
Neil E. Grunberg, Ph.D.
Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
[video, 17 min]Neuropharmacology and Biology of Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors
Kenneth S. Kellar, Ph.D.
Department of Pharmacology
Georgetown University School of Medicine
[video, 12.5 min]Molecular Biology and Knockouts of Nicotinic Receptors
Marina Picciotto, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry
Yale University School of Medicine
[video, 17.5 min]Brain Chemistry and Imaging
Nora D. Volkow, M.D.
Medical Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
[video, 14 min]Nicotine Reinforcement in Animals and Humans
Kenneth A. Perkins, Ph.D.
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
[video, 12 min]Discussion
William A. Corrigall, Ph.D.
Biobehavioural Research Department
Addiction Research Foundation
[video, 33 min]Questions and Answers
Section V: Psychobiology of Nicotine Addiction, [video, 60 min][Q&A, video, 27 min]
[video, 2.5 min]Introduction
Neil E. Grunberg, Ph.D.
Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
[video, 14 min]Behavior/Cognitive Effects of Smoking
Stephen Heishman, Ph.D.
Intramural Research Program
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH
[video, 11.5 min]Comorbidity and Smoking
John Hughes, M.D.
Department of Psychiatry, Psychology & Family Practice
University of Vermont
[video, 16.5 min]Individual Differences in Smoking and Nicotine Addiction
Saul Shiffman, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Pittsburgh
[video, 9 min]Discussion
M. Marlyne Kilbey, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Wayne State University
Neal L. Benowitz, M.D.
Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
University of California at San Francisco
[video, 27 min]Questions and Answers
Section VI: Treatment of Nicotine Dependence, [video, 143 min]
[video, 3.5 min]Introduction
John Hughes, M.D.
Department of Psychiatry, Psychology & Family Practice
University of Vermont
[video, 15.5 min]Psychological Interventions
Sharon M. Hall, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry
University of California at San Francisco
[video, 15 min]New Medications for Nicotine Dependence Treatment
Richard D. Hurt, M.D.
Nicotine Dependence Center
Mayo Clinic
[video, 14 min]Combined Treatments
Maxine L. Stitzer, Ph.D.
Bayview Medical Center
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
[video, 17 min]Primary Care Based Interventions
Judith K. Ockene, Ph.D., M.Ed.
Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical Center
[video, 16 min]Treatment of Special Populations
Dorothy Hatsukami, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry
University of Minnesota
[video, 15.5 min]Interventions for Treatment Resistant Smokers
Karl Olav Fagerstrom, Ph.D.
Fagerstrom Consulting
[video, 11 min]Discussion
Paul M. Cinciripini, Ph.D.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
University of Texas
[video, 10 min]Discussion
Jasjit S. Ahluwalia, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
Department of Preventive Medicine
University of Kansas Medical Center
[video, 20.5 min]Questions and Answers
Conference Overview, [video, 18 min]
[video, 15 min]Conclusion: Nicotine Addiction
David B. Abrams, Ph.D.
Miriam Hospital
Brown University School of Medicine
[video, 3 min]Closing Remarks
Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D.
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH

[Nicotine Conference Program Index]

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