Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 2200 Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents

2200 Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents

2200 Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents
2201 Introduction [R-5]
2202 Citation of Prior Art
2203 Persons Who May Cite Prior Art
2204 Time for Filing Prior Art Citation [R-3]
2205 Content of Prior Art Citation [R-5]
2206 Handling of Prior Art Citation [R-5]
2207 Entry of Court Decision in Patent File [R-5]
2208 Service of Citation on Patent Owner
2209 Ex Parte Reexamination [R-3]
2210 Request for Ex Parte Reexamination [R-5]
2211 Time for Requesting Ex Parte Reexamination
2212 Persons Who May File a Request for Ex ParteReexamination
2212.01 Inquiries from Persons Other Than the Patent Owner [R-5]
2213 Representative of Requester
2214 Content of Request for Ex Parte Reexamination [R-5]
2215 Fee for Requesting Ex Parte Reexamination [R-5]
2216 Substantial New Question of Patentability [R-5]
2217 Statement in the Request Applying Prior Art [R-5]
2218 Copies of Prior Art [R-5]
2219 Copy of Printed Patent [R-3]
2220 Certificate of Service [R-5]
2221 Amendments Included in Request  by Patent Owner [R-3]
2222 Address of Patent Owner [R-5]
2223 Withdrawal of Attorney or Agent [R-5]
2224 Correspondence [R-5]
2225 Untimely Paper Filed Prior to Order [R-5]
2226 Initial Processing of Request for Ex Parte Reexamination
2227 Incomplete Request for Ex Parte Reexamination [R-5]
2229 Notice of Request for Ex Parte Reexamination in Official Gazette [R-5]
2230 Constructive Notice to Patent Owner
2231 Processing of Request Corrections [R-5]
2232 Public Access [R-5]
2232.01 Determining if a Reexamination Was Filed for a Patent [R-5]
2233 Processing in Central Reexamination Unit and Technology Center [R-5]
2234 Entry of Amendments [R-3]
2235 Record Systems [R-5]
2236 Assignment of Reexamination [R-5]
2237 Transfer Procedure [R-5]
2238 Time Reporting [R-5]
2239 Reexamination Ordered at the Director's Initiative [R-5]
2240 Decision on Request [R-5]
2241 Time for Deciding Request
2242 Criteria for Deciding Request [R-5]
2243 Claims Considered in Deciding  Request [R-5]
2244 Prior Art on Which the Determination Is Based
2245 Processing of Decision [R-5]
2246 Decision Ordering Reexamination [R-5]
2247 Decision on Request for Reexam-ination, Request Denied [R-5]
2247.01 Examples of Decisions on Request for Reexamination [R-5]
2248 Petition From Denial of Request [R-5]
2249 Patent Owner's Statement [R-5]
2250 Amendment by Patent Owner [R-5]
2250.01 Correction of Patent Drawings [R-3]
2250.02 Correction of Inventorship[R-3]
2250.03 Fees for Adding Claims [R-3]
2251 Reply by Third Party Requester
2252 Consideration of Statement and Reply [R-5]
2253 Consideration by Examiner
2254 Conduct of Ex ParteReexamination Proceedings [R-5]
2255 Who Reexamines [R-5]
2256 Prior Art Patents and Printed Publications Reviewed by Examiner in Reexamination [R-5]
2257 Listing of Prior Art [R-5]
2258 Scope of Ex Parte Reexamination [R-5]
2258.01 Use of Previously Cited/Considered Art in Rejections [R-5]
2259 Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel in Reexamination Proceedings
2260 Office Actions [R-5]
2260.01 Dependent Claims
2261 Special Status for Action
2262 Form and Content of Office Action [R-5]
2263 Time for Response [R-5]
2264 Mailing of Office Action [R-3]
2265 Extension of Time [R-5]
2266 Responses [R-3]
2266.01 Submission Not Fully Responsive to Non-Final Office Action [R-3]
2266.02 Examiner Issues Notice of Defective Paper in Ex Parte Reexam-ination [R-5]
2266.03 Service of Papers [R-5]
2267 Handling of Inappropriate or Untimely Filed Papers [R-5]
2268 Petition for Entry of Late Papers for Revival of Reexamination Proceeding[R-5]
2269 Reconsideration
2270 Clerical Handling [R-5]
2271 Final Action [R-5]
2271.01 Panel Review [R-5]
2272 After Final Practice [R-3]
2273 Appeal in Ex Parte Reexamination [R-3]
2274 Appeal Brief [R-5]
2275 Examiner's Answer [R-3]
2276 Oral Hearing [R-3]
2277 Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences Decision
2278 Action Following Decision
2279 Appeal to Courts [R-3]
2280 Information Material to Patentability in Reexamination Proceeding [R-5]
2281 Interviews in Ex Parte Reexamination Proceedings [R-5]
2282 Notification of Existence of Prior or Concurrent Proceedings and Decisions Thereon [R-5]
2283 Multiple Copending Ex Parte Reexamination Proceedings [R-5]
2284 Copending Ex Parte Reexamination and Interference Proceedings [R-5]
2285 Copending Ex Parte Reexamination and Reissue Proceedings [R-5]
2286 Ex Parte Reeexamination and Litigation Proceedings [R-5]
2287 Conclusion of Ex Parte Reexamination Proceeding [R-5]
2288 Issuance of Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate [R-3]
2289 Reexamination Review [R-5]
2290 Format of Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate [R-5]
2291 Notice of Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate Issuance in Official Gazette [R-3]
2292 Distribution of Certificate [R-3]
2293 Intervening Rights
2294 Concluded Reexamination Proceedings [R-5]
2295 Reexamination of a Reexamination [R-5]
2296 USPTO Forms To Be Used In Ex Parte Reexamination [R-3]

2200 Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents

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KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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