Okeanos Explorer Photos

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NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer. The ship's commissioning, in Seattle on August 13, sets the Okeanos Explorer on course to be "America's Ship for Ocean Exploration, " the only federal ship assigned to explore our largely unknown ocean.
Live images from the seafloor and from a research vessel transmit from Dr. Robert Ballard's ocean expedition to NOAA's Exploration Command Center in Silver Spring, Maryland. Several of Ballard's missions with NOAA helped to shape the telepresence technology that has been built into NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer and at Exploration Command Centers ashore.
The bell-shaped ROV instrumented camera sled most often operates above the main science-class ROV. Equipped with high definition video cameras and lights, the sled can illuminate and image the science-class ROV and its surroundings, helping to put in context the work of the science-class ROV. Tucked in to and operating from the main ROV is a 60-pound xBot that will provide exploration access to confined areas.
NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer. The ship's commissioning, in Seattle on August 13, sets the Okeanos Explorer on course to be "America's Ship for Ocean Exploration, " the only federal ship assigned to explore our largely unknown ocean.
Satellite transmitting dome that will allow the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer to send live high definition video and audio transmissions to Exploration Command Centers ashore.
NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer tied up at dock.
View from flying bridge looking out over the bow of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer at the Seattle skyline.
NOAA Corps officers on the bridge of the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. Left to Right is Ensign Matthew C. Griffin (Navigation Officer), Lieutenant Nicola Samuelson, and Ensign Benjamin S. Bloss (Junior Officer).
The ship’s control center onboard the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The monitors in this room receive real-time video signals from the high definition cameras on the underwater ROVs, and several other cameras mounted throughout the ship. The control room will be occupied by a chief scientist, ROV pilot and co-pilot, and videographer who will send live video via satellite to Exploration Command Centers ashore.
Main science-class Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) in hangar onboard the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The ROV is the ship’s underwater robot capable of operating at 6,000 meters below the surface and is equipped with high definition video cameras and manipulator arms for collecting images and samples on the seafloor.
Main science-class Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) in hangar onboard the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The ROV is the ship’s underwater robot capable of operating at 6,000 meters below the surface and is equipped with high definition video cameras and manipulator arms for collecting images and samples on the seafloor.

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•  Updated: August 27, 2008