Survey Technician

Senior Survey Technician - Elaine Stuart, Hometown: Seattle, WA

Elaine has been sailing with NOAA since 2000 on the Rainier, Oscar Elton Sette and Kai'imimoana. Elaine is excited to get back into mapping and work with ROVs. Elaine enjoys horseback riding, dirty martinis and Hello Kitty. She is also excited at the prospect of initiating her pollywog shipmates when the EX heads south!

Survey Technician

Senior Survey Technician - Colleen Peters, Hometown: Trumbull, Connecticut

Colleen has been working on a variety of ships, both sailing and motor, since high school. A Maine Maritime Academy graduate, Colleen is exited to start the ship’s store, have a roommate who also likes the color pink, and to finally be going somewhere warm. For NOAA, she has also worked in the Bering Sea aboard the NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson. Colleen enjoys the occasional cosmopolitan and collects rubber duckies.

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•  Updated: August 29, 2008