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The size of the problem equals the size of the opportunity

The Natural Step is an international not-for-profit organisation dedicated to education, advisory work and research in sustainable development. Since 1989, we have worked with thousands of corporations, municipalities, academic institutions and not-for-profit organisations that have proven that moving strategically toward sustainability leads to new opportunities, reduced costs, and dramatically reduced ecological and social impacts.

Rigorous science. Practical solutions.

The Natural Step Framework is a proven, scientifically robust model that helps organisations make pragmatic decisions to move toward sustainability. We research the science of sustainability and link it to real world applications. We create dialogue about the opportunities and challenges in building a sustainable future. We are accelerating change toward sustainability.

  • Sustainability is a four letter word: HOPE.  The Natural Step has allowed me to see that.

    Collingwood workshop participant


  • Nike Considered Launch - Richard Blume and Chad Park

    Dear Friends and Colleagues,

    Last Tuesday, Chad Park and I represented The Natural Step at Nike’s press event in New York to observe the next phase in their approach to sustainability – the public launch of Considered Design (“performance without compromising sustainability”). The Natural Step worked with Nike ten years ago to

  • Dear Friends,

    It is my great pleasure to share the following news with you. Karl-Henrik Robèrt, founder of The Natural Step and Kalle to his friends, will receive an honorary doctorate from Mälardalen University in Sweden today.

  • The Natural Step was recently short-listed for the prestigious Rio Tinto Alcan Sustainability Prize.