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Daniel Rokhsar

Daniel Rokhsar is the Program Head for Computational Genomics at JGI and Professor of Molecular Cell Biology and Physics at the University of California at Berkeley. After a Ph.D. at Cornell University in theoretical physics and postdoctoral research at IBM, Dr. Rokhsar joined the physics faculty at the University of California at Berkeley in 1989. In the mid 1990's his research interests shifted from materials physics to biophysics, computational biology, and genomics. In 2000 he joined the JGI to lead its computational biology program. He is a former NSF Presidential Young Investigator, Sloan Foundation Fellow, Miller Research Professor, and Guggenheim Foundation Fellow. His interests are in computational, comparative, and functional analysis of eukaryotic genomes. Dan also serves as the JGI Eukaryote Program Lead.

Duties of the JGI Eukaryote Program Lead


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Computational Genomics Program