
Northwest LINCS
Home Page

The NorthWest  Internet Gateway for Adult Education Online Resources

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National LINCS Resources Future Conferences in the Northwest !!!

Welcome to the NW LINCS Resource Site...we hope you find resources that help you and your students. Please let us know if there is a resource you cannot find. We will take a look for it! Select a link to view the resources found on this site.

Initial financial support for The NW LINCS site was provided by The National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) through the LINCS project (2001 through 2005). Funds from the Institute were used in part for the initial development and maintenance of the NW LINCS. The Northwest LINCS site is now being maintained by volunteers from Montana, Oregon, Indiana and Wyoming. The Midwest Regional Technology Center at Kent University is graciously providing server space and services for the continuation of the site.

Classroom Guides

Lesson Plans 

User Resource Pages

NW Created Resources

Special Projects


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