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PLANTS Profile

Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl.
common madia

Symbol: MAEL
Group: Dicot
Family: Asteraceae
Duration: Annual
Growth Habit: Forb/herb
Native Status:  

Photograph of Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl.
Brother Alfred Brousseau. Courtesy of St. Mary's College of California. ©St. Mary's College of California.
More Information:
  • Classification Report
  • Plant Guide in Adobe™ PDF
  • Plant Guide in Microsoft Word™
  • Data Source and Documentation
  • High-resolution Photograph in JPEG Format

Distribution by State:
Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl.

Distributional Map for Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl.
Distribution Map Legend

Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl. distribution:

County distributions for the following U.S. states are available at PLANTS:


Related Taxa:
Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl.

477 genera in Asteraceae, 11 species in Madia
Distribution of Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl. ssp. densifolia (Greene) D.D. Keck. .
Madia elegans ssp. densifolia
showy tarweed
Distribution of Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl. ssp. elegans. .
Madia elegans ssp. elegans
common madia
Distribution of Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl. ssp. vernalis D.D. Keck. .
Madia elegans ssp. vernalis
spring madia
Distribution of Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl. ssp. wheeleri (A. Gray) D.D. Keck. .
Madia elegans ssp. wheeleri
Wheeler's tarweed
Related Taxa Legend

Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl.

Kingdom   Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom   Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision   Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division   Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class   Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass   Asteridae
Order   Asterales
Family   Asteraceae – Aster family
Genus   Madia Molina – tarweed
Species   Madia elegans D. Don ex Lindl. – common madia


Time Generated: 10/16/2008 11:46 PM MDT