US Coast Guard Atlantic Area Logo1 Star Admiral Flag

Rear Admiral Steven E. Day

Deputy Commander for Mobilization and Reserve Affairs
Atlantic Area US Coast Guard

 Download PDF Download  Rear Admiral Steven E. Day RDML Day was born in Albion, NY and due to his father’s employment with the Veterans Administration lived in Holley, NY, Bath, NY, and graduated from Norway -Vulcan High School, Norway, MI in 1967.  His father and mother instilled in his five sisters and three brothers that we owe our country at least two years of service.  Evidence of this is RDML Day’s father retired as a Colonel, U.S. Army Reserve MP, his sister Suzanne completed four years active duty U.S. Air Force, his brother Chuck retired as a YNC, U. S. Coast Guard 22 years, and his brother Mike who entered the Coast Guard in 1966, retired as a CWO4 F&S, after 42 years of service.

RDML Day enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard in 1967.  After recruit training, he attended Damage Controlman School at Governors Island, NY. As a Damage Controlman, RDML Day held assignments at TRASUPCEN Alameda, USCGC Tanager, Reserve Unit Duluth, and Reserve Unit Green Bay where he was promoted to DC1 in 1977.

RDML Day received his commission in 1979 at the rank of Ensign.  Assignments as an officer have included; Reserve Green Bay, Commanding Officer of Reserve Unit Hancock, and the Operations Officer of PSU 303 Milwaukee when he was deployed to the Port of Damman, Saudi Arabia in support of Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm from September 1990 to April 1991. 

Upon release from active duty in 1991, RDML Day’s assignments included; Commanding Officer Reserve Unit Green Bay, FEMA Liaison Officer Milwaukee, Commanding Officer PSU 303 Milwaukee, USTRANSCOM, and Commanding Officer Port Security Unit 309 where his unit conducted deployments to Pohang, Korea, Dukaylah, Egypt, OPSAIL 2000, New York City and Manama, Bahrain. Beginning in 2001, RDML Day was again assigned to USTRANSCOM, followed by the Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Element, Joint Forces Command Norfolk and Commanding Officer, Joint Reserve Unit, Norfolk, VA

In March of 2003, RDML Day was again recalled to active duty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, assigned to the Pentagon, National Military Command Center and Coast Guard Headquarters, Defense Operations. Upon release from active duty, he was assigned as the Senior Reserve Officer, Deputy Chief of Staff D5 and then to PACAREA as the Reserve Chief of Staff/Senior Reserve Officer. On June 9, 2008, RDML Day assumed his current assignment at LANT AREA.

RDML Day’s personal awards include a Defense Meritorious Service Medal, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Joint Defense Commendation Medals, two Coast Guard Commendation Medals, Navy Commendation Medal, Coast Guard Achievement Medal and a Joint Defense Achievement Medal and numerous other personal and unit decorations.

RDML Day holds a Bachelors degree from Northern Michigan University and a Masters degree from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. 

Last Modified 7/30/2008