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General Information

Program at a Glance

Workshop Agenda



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General Information

Note: To be admitted onto the NIST campus, you must be pre-registered for the conference and present a photo ID. International attendees are required to present a passport. Please wear your conference badge at all times while on the NIST campus.

General Information
The people at the Registration Desk will be pleased to assist you. They are able to answer questions about the conference and transportation in the Gaithersburg and Washington, DC. areas.

The general session will be held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in the Administration Building (101).

The telephone number for contact with the meeting is 301/975-3883. Attendees will not be called out of the meeting to receive telephone calls, except in emergencies.

Coffee Breaks and Lunches
Refreshments will be provided during morning, mid-morning, and mid-afternoon breaks. Lunch will be provided for attendees in the NIST cafeteria. Lunch tickets are located inside your name badge. After making your selection, give your lunch ticket to the cashier.

Social Functions
In order to provide an opportunity for interaction, a welcome reception will be held at Holiday Inn on Tuesday, August 19, and a banquet will be held at the DogFish Head Alehouse on Wednesday, August 20.

A NIST bus will provide service between the Gaithersburg Holiday Inn Hotel and NIST each day.





Tuesday, August 19


Holiday Inn Hotel

NIST - 101


NIST - 101

Holiday Inn Hotel

Wednesday, August 20


Holiday Inn Hotel

NIST - 101


NIST - 101

DogFish Head Alehouse



DogFish Head Alehouse

Holiday Inn Hotel

Thursday, August 21


Holiday Inn Hotel

NIST - 101


No return shuttle to the hotel


NOTICE TO ATTENDEES: PHOTO ID REQUIRED. Due to increased security procedures all conference attendees must show a valid photo ID to be admitted to the NIST campus. Only pre-registered attendees will be admitted.

The following services are located in the basement of the NIST Administration Building. Please take the elevator from the main lobby. Newspaper and Sundry Stand, adjacent to the elevators in the basement, hours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. SEBA Gift Store, down the hallway from the Sundry Stand, on the left, hours 9a.m. - 2p.m..


Emergency Procedures
In the event of fire - the evacuation bell will sound continuously. Please evacuate the building through the nearest exit and assemble in the parking lot. Do not re-enter the building until the all-clear signal is given.

In the event of dangerous weather conditions - the tornado siren will sound. Please use the nearest stairwell and go down one flight to the basement of the building. Do not stand near exterior windows. Remain in the basement until the all-clear signal is given.

Security emergencies - follow the instructions of emergency services personnel.


Date Created: August 7, 2008
Last updated: August 14, 2008