Comment Number: 536798-00010
Received: 7/17/2008 3:19:22 PM
Organization: Dean, School of Public Health, Univ. of Michigan
Commenter: Kenneth Warner
State: MI
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Proposal to Rescind FTC Approval of the Current Cigarette Test Method
No Attachments


I strongly favor this proposal. It is clear from ample research that (a) the FTC method does not measure tar and nicotine as cigarettes are smoked by humans and (b) the figures mislead smokers into believing that so-called low tar and nicotine cigarettes confer significantly less risk than "full-flavor" cigarettes. Having devoted over 30 years to research on tobacco and health policy, I am convinced that the marketing of low tar and nicotine cigarettes has increased smoking compared to how much would have existed in the complete absence of such (mis)information going to the public. Smokers will be better served - more honestly served - if they come to understand that all cigarette smoking is extremely dangerous. The proposal will help to combat the industry's success in redesigning and marketing products to fool the public. Thank you for considering this comment.