Comment Number: 536798-00006
Received: 7/14/2008 3:46:37 PM
Organization: WPA Conference of the United Methodist Women--President
Commenter: Donna Burkhart
State: PA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Proposal to Rescind FTC Approval of the Current Cigarette Test Method
No Attachments


The Western Pennsylania Conference of the United Methodist Women endorses good health. We are concerned that tobacco smoke in any form causes harm to the person smoking and to people exposed to second hand smoke. All scientific evidence shows that smoking in any form causes lung cancer and heart disease. We are opposed to smoking in any public place because it exposes others to second hand smoke and is especially dangerous for children. What test do you have to measure second hand smoke's effect on children and pregnant women? Do the tobacco industry and the legislators care at all about the health risks to the smoker and those inhaling the second hand smoke? Why must lawmakers allow themselves to be bought by the tobacco industry? Where are the lawmakers' moral and ethical standards? Why must the almighty dollar be more important that peoples' health? Is there a lawmaker who can answer our questions? Please do not say that the tobacco industry provides jobs because yes it does provide jobs not only for those manufacturing and selling the tobacco, but for the doctors, nurses, hospitals and cancer centers who care for the smokers and the people exposed to second hand smoke. Why must people suffer for the riches of the tobacco industry? Do the tobacco industry and the lawmakers have a conscience? We are ready to vote for lawmakers who have a conscience and care about peoples' health. Sincerely, Donna L. Burkhart, President Western PA Conference of the United Methodist Women 10,000 strong