Comment Number: 536798-00002
Received: 7/9/2008 7:20:21 PM
Commenter: Jonathan Krueger
State: CA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Proposal to Rescind FTC Approval of the Current Cigarette Test Method
No Attachments


By helping Big Tobacco deceive customers, their loved ones, and the American public for decades into believing lower numbers were safe or safer, undermining quit attempts, and selling product the manufacturer knew was exactly as lethal to customers and to those nearest the customers, you are guilty of accessory to murder, and on a mass scale. You know it. I know it. Anyone who knows anything about the subject knows it. I do not think there is anything now you can do to make it right. However what you're proposing certainly does not qualify. If you want to do the right thing, you'd start by apologizing to generations of smokers who were misled.