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United States Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service

An online review of Foreign Agricultural Service initiatives and services


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Market and Trade Data

Strict Government Control Characterizes Chinese Biofuel Development
China’s government steers biofuel development programs, weighing food security issues and the benefits of various inputs and technologies.

Adding to the Mix in Greece’s Food Processing Sector
The Greek food processing sector is a growing market with good potential for U.S. exporters. The United States is a substantial trading partner with Greece, which imported $167.6 million of U.S. agricultural, fish, and forestry products in calendar year 2005, up from $127 million in 2004.

Market and Trade Data

Nigeria No. 1 Market for U.S. Wheat; Potential for Other Grains and Feeds
Wheat is the big-ticket item for U.S. exporters in the Nigerian grain marketplace.

Look to the Future for Export Market in Bosnia-Herzegovina
There are challenges to exporting U.S. products to Bosnia-Herzegovina, but the country depends on imports to meet two-thirds of its food tab.

Theater Sales Drive Popcorn Market in South Korea

Like U.S. audiences, Korean movie fans love savory popcorn, providing a good niche market for U.S. suppliers.

Programs and Opportunities

U.S.-India Agricultural Cooperation: A New Beginning
The agricultural industry is actively looking for increased market access in India through two efforts: the Focus Group on Agriculture of the Trade Policy Forum and the Agricultural Knowledge Initiative.

U.S. Exporter Assistance

Trade Shows and Other Opportunities
Here is a list of trade shows and promotional opportunities endorsed or otherwise sponsored by FAS.

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Last Modified: Monday, November 20, 2006