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Section 5. Chernobyl Issues

The staff's assessment of the implications of the Chernobyl accident on the safety regulation of U.S. commercial nuclear power plants, as reported in NUREG-1251,1174 led to the conclusion that no immediate changes in NRC's regulations regarding the design or operation of U.S. commercial reactors were needed. However, further consideration of certain issues was recommended, most of which were found to be already under consideration as a part of ongoing NRC work.

This section includes all the work recommended in NUREG-12511174 and outlined in the staff's follow-up program, SECY-89-081.1175 As noted in NUREG-1251,1174 the Chernobyl experience will continue to be taken into account in various areas of reactor safety. The follow-up program was limited to work on those issues whose relationship to the events at Chernobyl was direct, clear, and substantial, but with reasonable extrapolation to account for the large differences in specific design and operational features. Other work that was generally related to severe accidents was to be pursued (or considered for pursuit), in accordance with established procedures, outside the Chernobyl follow-up program.1175

The tasks contained in this section follow the numbering sequence of the various chapters in NUREG-1251.1174 The issues identified for further pursuit under each task follow the labeling of the follow-up program.1175

Task CH1: Administrative Controls and Operational Practices
Task CH2: Design
Task CH3: Containment
Task CH4: Emergency Planning
Task CH5: Severe Accident Phenomena
Task CH6: Graphite-moderated Reactors

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Friday, February 23, 2007