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2002 Census Publications

Census Quick Stats (Ag statistics for U.S., state, and county)

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Geographic Area Series Publications
  U.S. Summary and State Reports
bullet U.S. by Table bullet All States by Table
  State and County Reports
bullet State Level by Table bullet All Counties by State by Table
  Outlying Areas
American Samoa  PDF
Puerto Rico  Text | PDF | CSV
Profiles by  Municipios
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands  PDF
Guam  PDF
Virgin Islands  PDF
Specialty Products and Special Studies
  Minority and Women Principal Operators: 2002 and 1997
Profiles: State and County
U.S. Agricultural Atlas Maps
Quick Facts
Ranking: Market Value Ag Products
American Indian Reservations  Text | PDF | CSV
Farm & Ranch Irrigation Survey
Census of Aquaculture
- revised 2/7/07
Demographics of U.S. Farm Operators
Operators by Race  Text | PDF | CSV
New England  Region | State
History of the 2002 Census of Agriculture
2002 Congressional Districts
bullet Rankings bullet Profiles  108th | 109th
Interactive Statistical Map Interactive Census Maps
for 2002 Census Highlights
  Download the Data Query Application for the 2002 Census

Last modified: 4/17/08

Related Information
2002 Report Forms & Instructions
Report Form Guide
Dates for Ag Census Reports
Frequently Asked Questions
Data Documentation
C-FARE Review of the 2002 Census of Agriculture
Census by State
To view 2002 Census of Agriculture material by state, select a state below.
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