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engineering Ministries international
130 East Kiowa, Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Phone: 719-633-2078
Fax: 719-633-2970
Email: info@emiusa.org
Web Address: http://www.emiusa.org


About engineering Ministries international

We are a Christian ministry that designs facilities that serve the poor in developing countries. These facilities (including buildings, roads, clean water projects and more) directly impact communities by meeting physical needs and communicating God�s love in a practical way. We partner with missionaries, pastors, and other non-profits who have a vision to help the poor and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We deliver our services free of charge to the recipient organizations we work with. We have five offices and 40 staff, mobilizing over 200 volunteers each year on 50+ projects.

To produce our designs, we blend our team of in-house project managers with talented volunteer engineers, architects, land surveyors and construction managers recruited from around the world. These volunteers donate their time and travel costs to join our teams, adding their expertise and insight to give our clients the best designs possible.

International Voluntary Service Activities

Since 1981, we�ve completed over 500 relief and development projects in 75 countries.

2004- eMi deployed 218 volunteer design professionals on 55 projects. These volunteers donated 38,022 hours of professional services valued at $43/hr (average effort 174 hours/volunteer).

2005- eMi will deploy 200+ volunteers on 50+ projects, expecting to donate over 35,000 hours of professional services.

eMi recruits from a network of over 4,800 design professionals, primarily from the U.S.

Volunteer for Prosperity Opportunities
Number of Opportunities 50


Geographic Regions Former Soviet Union


Health & Prosperity Sectors Economic Growth; Capacity Building; Water; Tsunami Relief


Types of Opportunities Technical


Average Duration of Projects 2 weeks


Volunteer Profile Summary

eMi deploys design professional volunteers with professional training and experience in the following disciplines: civil engineering, structural engineering, electrical engineering, HVAC, architecture, surveying, construction management, landscape architecture, and drafting. Experience ranges from seniors in college (via our intern program) to 30+ year veterans, university professors, municipal utility directors, and owners of firms.


USA Freedom Corps Department of State Department of Commerce Department of Health and Human Services USAID