Drydock 2007


In February and March 2007, the Oregon IIunderwent it’s most recent drydock period. During this time many components of the ship, both above and below the waterline, inside and out, saw maintenance and inspection.

Click on an image for a larger view.
Drydock 1
A tugboat prepares to move the lock that isolates the drydock berth.
Drydock 2
Moving the Oregon II into the berth.
Drydock 3
The Oregon II in the berth after the water has been pumped out.
Drydock 4
The port bow at the beginning of the drydock period.
Drydock 5
The port bow near the end of the drydock period.
Drydock 6
The rudder and controllable-pitch propeller at the beginning of the drydock period.
Drydock 7
The rudder and controllable-pitch propeller near the end of the drydock period.

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Updated: August 25, 2008