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University of North Dakota Citation Aircraft (CITATION)

Instrument Categories: Cloud Properties, Airborne Observations

General Overview

The ARM Climate Research Facility uses a variety of airborne platforms to supplement its ground-based measurements. Manned and unmanned aircraft offer mobile platforms that provide data for the study of clouds and atmospheric radiation from above, below, and inside cloud layers. By flying at different altitudes, appropriately instrumented aircraft can measure the rate of energy absorption in the atmosphere, differences between up-welling and down-welling radiation, and cloud properties, such as phase, liquid water content, particle size and shape, etc. In addition, aircraft provide the means to physically sample the actual clouds.

The Cessna Citation is no longer in service, please see University of North Dakota's Aerospace website for information about their program.

IOPs Where the Instrument was Used

Primary Measurements Taken

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers for the list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.