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Updated 4 February, 2004

Environmental Education and Outreach










Common Questions About Climate Change
Answers some of the most commonly asked questions about climate change, including whether the Earth has warmed, which human activities are contributing to climate change, what further climatic changes are expected to occur, and what effects these changes may have on humans and the environment.

Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES)
The CSREES is a program within the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, who's mission is to advance knowledge for agriculture, the environemtn, human health and well being, and communities. The site is loaded with research and education information about all sorts of agriculture, environment and human health related subjects, and includes contact information to CSREES staff specialists who can answer questions or refer you to someone at state or county level who possesses the information you need.

DOE Argonne National Laboratory Division of Educational Programs
Argonne's Ask-A-Scientist program has over 400 questions and answers in their environmental science archive.

Dr. E's Energy Lab - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN)
Links to many wind, solar, and geothermal energy resources as well as links to energy efficiency tips.

Earthguide is an educational website from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography with a focus on earth, environmental, and oceanographic sciences, and global change. The site is intended to be useful to K-12 teachers and students, as well as the general public. The site includes stories that document research expeditions by Scripps scientists, and makes available key diagrams, maps, and images in earth and oceanographic sciences.

Education, Training, and Outreach
Chapter 9 of the US Climate Action Report 2002 addresses programs to educate and train students and citizens in areas related to climate change and reviews U.S. outreach activities to disseminate information about global climate change.

Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment
The Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment is a one-stop source of information for all ages on a range of atmospheric issues, including weather, climate, air pollution, acid rain, global warming and ozone depletion.

Environment Canada Kidzone
An introduction to the ozone layer, the science of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation and sun safety tips.

Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP)
EETAP is the national training program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Environmental Education. EETAP's overall mission is to coordinate and deliver training and support services to advance education and environmental literacy in the United States.

EPA Environmental Education
Environmental Education Improves Our Everyday Lives. Mission: To advance and support education efforts that develop an environmentally conscious and responsible public and inspire personal responsibility in caring for the environment.

EPA Environmental Education Grant Program
The Grant Program sponsored by EPA's Office of Environmental Education supports environmental education projects that enhance the public's awareness, knowledge, and skills to make informed decisions that affect environmental quality. Information on how to apply for funding, tips for developing successful applications, and a list of past recipients are available.

EPA Global Warming
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides an excellent overview of the problem of global warming. The science of climate change is presented along with the potential impacts of global warming as well as strategies to adapt to, or mitigate, those potential impacts.

EPA Global Warming Kids Site
A comprehensive and well-organized introduction to climate, climate change and global warming. Includes games and links to other resources.

Fossil Fuels Future: An Energy Education site
Provides information on the history and production of coal, oil, and gas use, and how those fuels may be used in the future.

GCMD's Learning Center
Learn all about global environmental change. The GCMD's (Global Change Master Directory) Learning Center has questions and answers about global change as well as annotated links categorized by age group and subject matter.

Global Warming and Climate Change
A publication prepared by researchers in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University to explain the issue of global warming and climate change to a general audience. Issues addressed include: The science of global warming; the potential impacts of climate change, and the range of policy responses to the threat of climate change.

Global Warming: Focus on the Future
This is the web version of a traveling exhibition developed by the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History and Environmental Defense. The online exhibit covers topics, such as: Global Warming Is Happening; Global Warming Is a Problem; and You Can Help.

NASA Teaching Earth Science
The purpose of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) is to understand the total Earth system and the effects of natural and human-induced changes on the global environment. The Office of Earth Science is pioneering the new interdisciplinary field of research called Earth system science, born of the recognition that the Earth's land surface, oceans, atmosphere, ice sheets, and biota are both dynamic and highly interactive. Some of the Agency's most exciting science results and accomplishments have been in the area of Earth system science.

National 4-H Council Environmental Stewardship Program
The specific goals of the Environmental Stewardship program include: understanding ecological concepts, building an awareness of environmental issues and values, developing scientific investigatory and critical thinking skills, and learning skills needed for effective action. In general, these goals foster leadership skills that allow youth to work as full partners with others to develop creative, community-based solutions to difficult environmental challenges.

NOVA: Warnings from the Ice
Explore how Antarctica's ice has preserved the past -- from Chernobyl to the Little Ice Age -- going back hundreds of thousands of years, and then see how the world's coastlines would recede if some or all of this ice were to melt. Also check out scores of astonishing facts about the White Continent, and what it's like to live and work there.

NSF Specialized Info for Educators
The National Science Foundation makes grants and awards in all areas of science, mathematics, and engineering education. Many NSF programs in these areas are funded through the Directorate for Education and Human Resources. Many other NSF Directorates also support programs that integrate science, mathematics, and engineering research and education.

Ocean Explorer
The Ocean Explorer allows you to go along with NOAA scientiests as they discover new ocean regions, investigate unknown ocean ecosystems, and discover new forms of ocean life.

A Paleo Perspective on Global Warming
This site was developed by NOAA's Paleoclimate Program to help educate, inform and highlight the importance of paleoclimate research; as well as to show how paleoclimate research relates to global warming and other important issues regarding climate variability and change.

Polar Meteorology Web Module
This module is designed for anyone interested in the subject of polar meteorology. Topics include polar climates, climate change, and vessel icing.

Reflections on Earth: Exploring Planet Earth from Space
This program includes exciting new environmental research, educational materials for classroom and home use, and training opportunities for teachers.

Secrets of the Ice
A group of scientists from around the country directed by The Institute for Quaternary and Climate Studies at the University of Maine have embarked on a four year expedition to better understand how humans have affected Antarctica's environment and what the lasting effects on the world might be. Through their web site you can learn more about Antarctica's environment and the research being conducted there.

Online Courses and Syllabi

College and University Global Change Course Links
Course descriptions, syllabi, and course home pages for global environmental change classes at colleges and universities.

Environmental Sustainability: Perspectives on the World
This online course is a guided exploration of several different topics and viewpoints related to environmental sustainability. Each section features a single contributor, all of whom are faculty members, researchers, or instructors affiliated with Columbia University. All contributors work in areas closely related to issues of environmental sustainability. Throughout the course you will encounter video interviews, reading materials, photographs and other visual aids, and various Activities related to the specific themes discussed by each contributor.

One Sky, Many Voices
Inquiry-based K-12 science programs for the interactive study of current science. Four-week and eight-week programs centered around environmental science themes are provided.


Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)
DLESE is a library of digitally accessible resources for learning about the Earth system. The catalog contains over 1500 resources for all grade levels as well as the general public, and covering a wide range of Earth system topics. All types of resources to assist learning are included.

EE-Link maintains a comprehensive set of links to environmental education resources on the web that include classroom resources, professional resources, information on grants and jobs, publications of interest to environmental education professionals, and more.

EPA Environmental Education
The homepage is a portal to all EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) educational websites for students, teachers and kids.

EPA - Office of Environmental Education
>From the website of the EPA's Office of Environmental Education you can access information and resources for teachers and students, information about grant programs, student opportunities and more. The mission of the office is to advance and support education efforts that develop an environmentally conscious and responsible public.

ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education
The Clearinghouse provides access to information available for teaching and learning about science, mathematics and the environment.

Fathom Knowledge Network Inc. is a portal to a vast array of online education that includes lectures, interviews and articles, online courses and forums. Some of the material is free, but courses are offered for a fee. The materials are created by a number of prestigious member institutions that include Columbia University, London School of Economics and Political Science, Cambridge Unversity Press, The British Library, The New York Public Library, The University of Chicago, the University of Michigan, American Film Institute (AFI), RAND, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Victoria and Albert Museum, Science Museum (UK), and The Natural History Museum (UK).

LearnNPS - The Learning Place - National Park Service
LearnNPS is the place to be when you want to learn more about your National Parks. Here you'll find curriculum-based lesson plans, keyed by National and State Standards, student activities, information about Junior Ranger programs in the parks, and a host of other educational media created and maintained by the National Park Service and it's partners.

NASA Advanced Supercomputing Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Tutorial
This is a resource file for both teachers and students interested in the ozone layer. Stratospheric ozone depletion is a concern because the ozone layer in the stratosphere keeps 95-99% of the suns ultraviolet radiation from striking the earth.

NASA Education Program
The NASA education program has resources for educators, resources for students, an education calendar, education news, and other information and comments.

NASA's Earth Observing System page for Educators
Site includes Educational Links, Educational Publications from the EOS program, NASA's Ask an Earth Scientist section, and explanations of our program and the terminology used. The popular EOS Science Poster Series can be found under Educational Publications.

National Library of Education
The National Library of Education (NLE) is the largest federally funded library devoted entirely to education. The Library offers the following online resources: ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center), GEM (Gateway to Educational Materials), NEN (National Education Network), and USNEI (U.S. Network for Educational Information).

National Safety Council's Environmental Health Center -Climate Change
The National Safety Council's Environmental Health Center conducts a variety of outreach and education activities on climate change. Included here are a climate change guidebook, background information on climate change impacts, and news updates.

NOAA Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean Theme Page
An information resource for the scientific investigation of the biology, oceanography, meteorology and ecology of the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean. The site links to numerous educational sites on the topic, for both higher education and kids, K-12.

NOAA Educational Resources
Weather, climate, El Niño and La Niña, space, the Earth, the atmosphere, the ocean, history, and cool sites to visit - it's all here! This site has been designed to help students, teachers, librarians and the general public access the many educational activites, publications, and booklets that have been produced by NOAA and are distributed across the agency.

NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)- Education Site
The site provides research and investigation experiences for middle school science students and teachers using on-line resources. There are links to numerous NOAA sites that contain information about climate, oceans and coasts, weather and the atmosphere, and the environment. Some are specifically for kids. is a portal to teaching resources for Earth science teachers, that include: instructional materials, web-based classroom materials, CD-ROMs, posters, fact sheets, workshops, fellowships and curriculum development activities.

US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) Educational Resources
The USGCRP maintains a list of links to educational sites focusing on global change information, including an extensive collection of lesson plan resources.

USGCRP Educational Resources
GCDIS (Global Change Data and Information System) maintains this list of education resources available from agencies participating in the US Global Change Research Program.

USGS Learning Web
The Learning Web is dedicated to K-12 education and lifelong learning. It is a portal linking to earth and environmental science resources for students, teachers, and explorers, that are distributed across the US Geological Survey (USGS).

Virginia Institute of Marine Science Virtual Marine Education Center
This site is a portal to information resources and online activites for teachers and students interested in the marine environment.

World Resources Institute Education Center
The World Resources Institute offers educational resources based on their research. Topics include: biodiversity, measuring global trends, and incorporating environmental ideas into business education.

Teaching Resources

Air Conditioning: Analyzing the Role of Government Agencies in Climate Research and Environmental Policy
The New York Times, in partnership with the Bank Street College of Education in New York City has developed a series of "Daily Lesson Plans". In this lesson, students explore the roles that United States government agencies play in weather forecasting, climate control, and other climate-related environmental issues.

ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement) Program's Education Center
Site includes an introduction to the science behind global warming, lesson plans, an archive of questions and answers and information about the ARM Program.

AskERIC provides lesson plans, ask-an-expert services, and links to an abundance of internet sites and online communities covering topics such as environmental education, geology, meteorology, oceanography and more.

College and University Global Change Course Links
Course descriptions, syllabi, and course home pages for global environmental change classes at colleges and universities.

Earth System Science Education Alliance (ESSEA)
The Earth System Science Education Alliance (ESSEA) is a partnership among universities, colleges, and science education organizations dedicated to improving Earth science education. The site offers online courses for K-12 educators as well as a number of other Earth Systems Science and education resources.

Energy Efficiency in Schools
Hands-on, multidisciplinary lesson plans in the area of energy at the elementary, middle, and high school levels from the Alliance to Save Energy.

Energy Information Administration Kid's Page
Online energy education resources -- these include energy activities that kids can do online and materials to help classroom teachers teach about energy.

Environmental Sustainability: Perspectives on the World
This online course is a guided exploration of several different topics and viewpoints related to environmental sustainability. Each section features a single contributor, all of whom are faculty members, researchers, or instructors affiliated with Columbia University. All contributors work in areas closely related to issues of environmental sustainability. Throughout the course you will encounter video interviews, reading materials, photographs and other visual aids, and various Activities related to the specific themes discussed by each contributor.

EPA Explorer's Club
EPA's web site for kids includes games, pictures, stories and other fun things. There are sections for teachers, middle and high school students, and younger kids.

Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM)
The Gateway to Educational Materials is a Consortium effort to provide educators with quick and easy access to thousands of educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites. It is sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Education and is a project of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology.

Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)
The GLOBE Program brings together K-12 students, teachers, and scientists from around the world who work together to help us learn more about the environment. By participating in GLOBE, teachers guide their students through daily, weekly, and seasonal environmental observations, such as air temperature and precipitation.

Government of Canada Climate Change
This web site from the Government of Canada was developed to inform people about climate change and how it affects our environment. Teacher resources and a student's climate lab are included.

The Great Green Web Game
The Great Green Web Game, developed by the Union of Concerned Scientists, is based on an analysis of the environmental impact of consumer decisions. Air pollution, water pollution, destruction of natural habitats, and global warming are the main forms of environmental damage caused by consumer-related activities today. The Great Green Web Game shows how you can reduce this damage through effective consumer choices.

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies provides policy analysis, research, strategic planning, training, and educational material development in support of the Earth sciences and related issues. Included on the site are lesson plans and a teacher's guide.

LEARN: Atmospheric Science Explorers
The LEARN project is intended for middle school science teachers. The site provides background information and supporting classroom teaching materials. The content focus is climate change and issues related to both stratospheric and tropospheric ozone.

The Magic School Bus
Based on the television show, The Magic School Bus, the site includes games, lesson plans, and other teaching resources with an environmental theme.

Metropolitan East Coast Assessment Education Module
"Climate Change and a Global City" -- The MEC Educator's Pack is a package of Geographic Information System (GIS) software, datasets and lesson plans designed for educators who are interested in using GIS technology to explore global climate change issues.

NOAA Photo Library
The NOAA photograph and image collection has been produced to help those interested in studying our natural world learn more about our oceans, the atmosphere, and the history of the pioneers who began the study of our environment in the United States.

One Sky, Many Voices
Inquiry-based K-12 science programs for the interactive study of current science. Four-week and eight-week programs centered around environmental science themes are provided.

Schoolyard Long Term Ecological Research
Schoolyard uses the uniqueness of the Long Term Ecological Research Network to promote learning about long-term ecological processes and the earth's ecosystems. Opportunities for educators and graduate students are announced on the site.

Sci4Kids - Agricultural Research Service
Sci4Kids is a series of stories about what scientists do at the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Geared to kids about 8 to 13 years old, it is produced by the ARS Information Staff in Beltsville, Maryland. They bet you'll agree that much of what their scientists do is not what you might expect.

Smithsonian Field Trips and Learning Resources
Contains lesson plans based on Smithsonian collections, web resources, media resources, and field trip ideas.

Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic (TEA)
Join teachers as they venture to points north and south and participate in Antarctic and Arctic research expeditions.

US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change Educational Resources
Regional papers for educators.

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office, Suite 250, 1717 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20006. Tel: +1 202 223 6262. Fax: +1 202 223 3065. Email: . Web: Webmaster: .
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