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January 2002




Note: We often hear of events that might interest our users.  We list these here as promptly as we can.  We may subsequently revise an entry.  To let you know the vintage of each entry, we note the date on which it was amended or posted.  For each posting, we also seek verification from the meeting contact.  We indicate whether or not the information was verified and the date of verification.  Despite our efforts, some entries will be incorrect.  For current & correct information on a meeting, please reach the meeting contact we list for each entry.

12-13 January 2002.  Orlando, Florida.   First AMS Student Conference and Career Fair. Sponsor: American Meteorological Society.  Contact:  AMS, Meetings Department, 45 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108-3693.  Tel: +1 617 227 2425.  Fax: +1 617 742 8718.  E-mail:

Date posted or amended: 8 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact? No

13 Jan 2002.   Orlando, Florida.  Special Conference on African Climate and Environment.  Sponsor: American Meteorological Society.   Contact: Sharon Nicholson.  Tel: +1 850 644 4022.

Date posted or amended: 8 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact? No

13 January 2002. Orlando, Florida.   AMS Short Course on Verification of Climate ForecastsSponsor: American Meteorological Society.   Contact: Robert E. Livezey, NOAA/NWS, 13228 SSMC 2, 1325 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD  20233.  Tel: +1 301 713 1867, x 182. 

Date posted or amended: 8 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact? No

13 January 2002. Orlando, Florida.   AMS Short Course on Land Surface-Climate Interaction. Sponsor: American Meteorological Society.   Contact: Yongkang Xue or Randy Koster.

Date posted or amended: 8 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact? No

Weather Fest - Sunday - 13 January 200213 January 2002.  Weather Fest.  Sponsor: American Meteorological Society.  Contact:  AMS, Meetings Department, 45 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108-3693.  Tel: +1 617 227 2425.  Fax: +1 617 742 8718.  E-mail:

Date posted or amended: 8 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact? No

13-17 January 2002.  Orlando, Florida.  The 82nd Annual American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting.  Sponsor: AMS.  Contact:  AMS, Meetings Department, 45 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108-3693.  Tel: +1 617 227 2425.  Fax: +1 617 742 8718.  E-mail:

Date posted or amended: 8 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact? No

15-18 January 2002.  Hanoi, Vietnam. Global Ocean Observation System (GOOS) User Forum and the Third Session of the Coastal Ocean Observations Panel (COOP). Contact: Thorkild Aarup

Date posted or amended: 8 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact? No

21-23 January 2002.  Maastricht, The Netherlands.  Third International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases.  Sponsor: European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations. Contact: VVM-bureau, Postbus 2195, 5202 CD Den Bosch, tel. 073-621 5985; fax: 073-621 6985; e-mail:

Date posted or amended: 8 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact? No

21-25 January 2002.  Hanoi, Vietnam. Training Workshop on Forecasting El Nino and La Nina in Indochina. Sponsor: Indochina Global Change Network (IGCN).  Contact:  IGCN, Center for Environment Research Education and Development, A01, K40, 279/24 Giang Vo, Hanoi, Vietnam.  Tel/fax: +84-4-8515213  E-mail:

Date posted or amended: 15 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact? Yes, 15 January 2002

27-30 January Meetings sponsored or co-

sponsored by IGBP or the Core 

Projects.2002.  Stockholm, Sweden.  New IGBP Atmosphere Project: Planning Workshop.  Sponsor: International Geosphere-Biosphere Program.  Contact: Tim Bates

Date posted or amended: 8 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact? No

29 Jan 2002-1 Feb 2002.  Boulder, Colorado.  Workshop on Advances in the Use of Historical (in situ and satellite) Marine Data: Sea Surface Temperature and Other Key Climate Variables.  By invitation only.  Sponsors: Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and the World Meteorological Organization.  Contact: Barb DeLuisi, Climate Diagnostics Center, NOAA/OAR (R/CDC), 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO  80305.  Tel: +1-303-497-4233.  Fax:   +1-303-497-7013. Or contact: Lucia Katz, (same address as Barb DeLuisi), Tel: +1-303-497-6188.  Fax: (same fax as Barb DeLuisi's).

Date posted or amended: 8 January 2002
Information verified with conference contact?  Yes, 14 January 2002.

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