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Animation Identification Numbers 3100 through 3199

Movie ID Title
This animation shows nitric acid (HNO3) in the atmosphere from August 13 through October 15, 2004. Red represents high concentrations; blue represents low concentrations. The spatial resolution is low: each pixel covers an area of 5 degrees longitude by 2 degrees latitude, so the entire world (except for 1 degree at each pole) is covered by the 72x89 pixel images.   3100   Nitric acid from new Microwave Limb Sounder on Aura (WMS)
This animation shows water vapor (H2O) in the atmosphere from August 13 through October 15, 2004. Red represents high concentrations; blue represents low concentrations. The spatial resolution is low: each pixel covers an area of 5 degrees longitude by 2 degrees latitude, so the entire world (except for 1 degree at each pole) is covered by the 72x89 pixel images.   3101   Water vapor from new Microwave Limb Sounder on Aura (WMS)
This animation shows temperature in the atmosphere from August 13 through October 15, 2004. Red represents higher temperatures; blue represents lower temperatures. The spatial resolution is low: each pixel covers an area of 5 degrees longitude by 2 degrees latitude, so the entire world (except for 1 degree at each pole) is covered by the 72x89 pixel images.   3102   Temperature from new Microwave Limb Sounder on Aura (WMS)
This still shows the path of the CREAM balloon during its record-breaking flight.  The first circumnavigation path is seen in red.  The second is shown in green and the third is yellow.   3103   NASA Balloon Makes Record-Breaking Flight
This animation shows 29 orbits (2 days) of CERES
measurements of regions of solar reflectivity, from June 20-21, 2003.   3104   Instantaneous Scene Identification (WMS)
This animation shows incoming solar flux corresponding
to 29 orbits (2 days) of CERES measurements, from June 20-21, 2003.  This data
is calculated using data from SORCE for the flux magnitude at the Earths orbit,
coupled with solar incidence angles based on CERES measurement locations and
times.   3105   Instantaneous Incoming Solar Flux (WMS)
This animation shows net radiation flux corresponding
to 29 orbits (2 days) of CERES measurements, from June 20-21, 2003.  This data
is calculated from CERES outgoing longwave and shortwave measurements, along
with a corresponding calculated incoming solar flux.   3106   Instantaneous Net Radiation Flux (WMS)
This animation shows 29 orbits (2 days) of CERES
measurements of outgoing longwave radiation, from June 20-21, 2003.   3107   Instantaneous Outgoing Longwave Flux (WMS)
This animation shows 29 orbits (2 days) of CERES
measurements of outgoing shortwave radiation, from June 20-21, 2003.   3108   Instantaneous Outgoing Shortwave Flux (WMS)
This animation shows the solar radiance on the Earth
at noon on the Greenwich meriidian for June 20, 2003 through June 19, 2004
as calculated from measurements made by the TIM instrument on SORCE.   3109   Solar Irradiance (WMS)
This animation shows NDVI over the western US in ten-day intervals from 1999-06-10 through 2003-09-30. The area shown extends from California to Colorado, and from Canada to Mexico. The horizontal scale is 0.0735 degrees-pixel in the E-W direction and 0.0450 degrees-pixel N-S.   3110   Vegetation Images Show Drought in Western US (WMS)
Four months of TGFs as seen by RHESSI.   3111   Connections: Terrestrial Gamma Flashes and Lightning?
An animation of the evaporation of the Aral Sea using Landsat imagery from 1973, 1987, and 2000.   3112   Aral Sea Evaporation (WMS)
A animation of deforestation in Rondonia from 1975 through 2001 from Landsat imagery   3113   Rondonia Deforestation (WMS)
This animation shows daily erythemal index for 2000-01-01 through 2001-12-31. Each days image is built up from observations taken near local solar noon; the western Pacific is measured near the beginning of the day (in Greenwich Mean Time - GMT), and the eastern Pacific is measured near the end of the GMT day. There is a 24-hour discontinuity in the data at 180th meridian. Diagonal bands with no data are areas that the satellite did not view on a particular day. The image size is 288x180 pixels (288x176 pixels for the MPEG movie); each pixel corresponds to an area 1 degree in longitude by 1.25 degrees in latitude.   3114   Daily Erythemal Index (UV exposure) Measurements for 2000-2001 (WMS)
More energetic electrons are cleared out, created a more well-defined gap between the belts.   3115   Gaps in the Earth's Radiation Belts
Landsat imagery of Mount St. Helens before, during, and after the devastation from the eruption in 1980.   3116   Mount St. Helens Before, During, and After (WMS)
Earth before zooming into Kodak Theatre   3117   Great Zoom into Kodak Theater with spin (Los Angeles, CA)
Kodak Theatre complex (Los Angeles, CA)   3118   Great Zoom out from Kodak Theater with spin (Los Angeles, CA)
Aerosols and Clouds over southern Africa   3119   ICESat Aerosols and Clouds over Africa
Aerosols over southern Africa   3120   ICESat Aerosols over Africa
Aerosols and clouds over eastern India   3121   ICESat Aerosols and Clouds over India
Aerosols over eastern India   3122   ICESat Aerosols over India
The Larsen ice shelf collapse in 2002 as seen by MODIS   3123   Larsen Ice Shelf Collapse (WMS)
This animation shows monthly average erythemal index for 2000-01 through 2001-12. The image size is 288x180 pixels (288x176 pixels for the MPEG movie); each pixel corresponds to an area 1 degree in longitude by 1.25 degrees in latitude.   3124   Monthly Average Erythemal Index (UV exposure) for 2000-2001 (WMS)
An animation of the shrinking snow cap on Mount Kilimanjaro from Landsat imagery   3125   Mount Kilimanjaro's Vanishing Snow Cap (WMS)
This animation shows daily erythemal index for 2000-01 through 2001-12. Data gaps have been filled and the frames have been smoothed. The image size is 288x180 pixels (288x176 pixels for the MPEG movie); each pixel corresponds to an area 1 degree in longitude by 1.25 degrees in latitude.   3126   Daily Erythemal Index (UV exposure) for 2000-2001 (WMS)
Breakoff of iceberg B-21 from the Pine Island glacier shown in imagery acquired by MISR   3127   Pine Island Glacier Calving (WMS)
Aqua-AIRS water vapor data (tight view, lower values faded out)   3128   Aqua/AIRS Water Vapor near southern California
 Aqua-AIRS water vapor data (tight view, lower values faded out)   3129   Aqua/AIRS Water Vapor near southern California #2
This animation shows aerosol index over Alaska from June 21 through July 10, 2004. Each image pixel corresponds to an area 1 degree in longitude by 1.25 degrees in latitude.   3130   Continental Effects of 2004 Alaskan Fires (WMS)
Accumulated rainfall from September 6-20,2003.  This image is derived from data from the TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis Product .   3131   Hurricane Isabel 2003 Rain Accumulation
This animation shows aerosol index over the western US from Oct 23 through November 1, 2003. Each image pixel corresponds to an area 1 degree in longitude by 1.25 degrees in latitude.   3132   Aerosols from 2003 Southern California Fires (WMS)
This animation shows aerosol index over northern Africa and the Atlantic Ocean from July 1 through July 31, 2000. Each image pixel corresponds to an area 1 degree in longitude by 1.25 degrees in latitude.   3133   Transatlantic Dust from North Africa (WMS)
Look under the clouds to see the rain that fuels the storm.   3134   Hurricane Frances Structure September 1, 2004
This animation shows El Nino and La Nina from
1997 through 1998. Each frame is a ten-day average of sea
surface temperature (SST) anomalies--that is, of differences from
normal SST values. The area shown in the animation is the
Pacific ocean from -20.5 to +20.5 latitude and +120.5 to +289.5
East longitude.   3135   Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies during El Nino/La Nina Event of 1997-1998 (WMS)
The TOMS instrument on the Earth Probe spacecraft has recorded daily ozone values from July 25, 1996.   Areas of red show the highest concentration of ozone measured in dobson units, DU.  Areas of purple indicate the lowest concentration, commonly known as the ozone hole. The top plot shows the amount of ozone concentration measured in DU.  The bottom plot shows the spatial area in Millions of Kilometers, MKm, of the ozone hole.   3136   Antarctic Ozone Sequence 1996 through 2004
NASA has been recording ozone values since 1979.  This animation shows high concentration of ozone in red.  It shows low concentration of ozone, also known as the ozone hole, in purple.  Notice that the Ozone Hole did not develop until the mid 1980s.   3137   Antarctic Ozone Sequence 1996 through 2004, Data Dropouts Removed
Sea ice around Antarctica during 2004 as seen by the SeaWinds instrument on QuikSCAT   3138   QuikSCAT Antarctic Sea Ice (WMS)
 Hurricane Isabel images from Sep 18 15:55 UTC, Sep 17 15:09 UTC, Sep 16 17:40 UTC, Sep 15 15:30 UTC, Sep 14 17:55 UTC, Sep 12 15:00 UTC, Sep 11 14:15 UTC, Sep 10 16:40 UTC, and Sep 08 13:45 UTC.   3139   Hurricane Isabel 2003 Progression Images
This animation shows the retreat of Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland from 2001 through 2003.   3140   Jakobshavn Glacier Retreat (WMS)
This animation shows a time-lapse sequence of the glaciers ice flow.  This animation shows only a small section of the full imagery.  The full imagery can be found in the frames area.   3141   Jakobshavn Glacier Ice Flow (WMS)
This animation shows El Nino and La Nina from
1997 through 1998. Each frame is a ten-day average of sea
surface height (SSH) anomalies--that is, of differences from
normal SSH values. The area shown in the animation is the
Pacific ocean from -20.5 to +20.5 latitude and +120.5 to +289.5
East longitude.   3142   Sea Surface Height Anomalies during El Nino/La Nina Event of 1997-1998 (WMS)
This animation shows an accumulation of daily
lightning climatology values for a typical year. That is, the
first frame shows the number of flashes per square kilometer
that occurred on a typical January 1 during the multi-year data
collection period, the second frame shows the total of Jan 1 and
Jan 2 flashes, the third frame shows Jan 1 through Jan 3, and so
on until the last frame (#365) which shows the total
accumulation for a typical year. As the year progresses, more
and more of the Earth experiences lightning, and hard-hit areas
experience more strikes. The most intense activity is in central
Africa. Areas where no lightning was measured are transparent,
letting the background image show through. The data pixels are
2.5deg on a side (144x72 pixels globally), and each frame has
been magnified to 720x360 pixels for greater
clarity.   3143   Global Lightning Accumulation (WMS)
This image shows the global lightning flash
rate density for the entire observing period. The data pixels
are 0.5deg on a side (720x360 pixels globally). This single
image is equivalent to the final frame of animation #3143, but
at a spatial resolution that is 5 times
better.   3144   Global Lightning Flash Rate Density (WMS)
This images shows the hot towers of Hurricane Frances.  The image cuts away the back half of the storm's cloud layer.  The yellow to red stucture is the rain structure of the storm. It has also been cutaway to reveal the eye of the storm.   3145   Hurricane Frances Rain Towers
Animation of Hurricane Isabel rainfall
accumulation from September 6 through 19, 2003. Frames were
taken every 3 hours starting at 00:00UT on 2003-09-06. Each
pixel covers 0.25deg of longitude and latitude; the total area shown
is 80x40 degrees.   3146   Rainfall Accumulation from Hurricane Isabel (WMS)
Hurricane Frances on 2004 Sep 04 16:00 UTC.   3147   Progression of Hurricane Frances, 2004 (WMS)
This animation shows accumulated rainfall from
2005-01-06 through 2005-01-11. Each frame covers a three-hour
period. Each image pixel is 0.25 degrees on a side; the total
area covered is 20x20 degrees in longitude and latitude (80x80
pixels).   3148   Heavy Rainfall Leads to Southern California Mudslides (WMS)
Regions susceptible to DNA damage before a Gamma Ray Burst   3149   Gamma Ray Bursts May Have Caused Ancient Extinctions
Hurricane Ivan, Sep 16 2004 16:23 UTC   3151   Progression of Hurricane Ivan, 2004 (WMS)
This image shows average surface temperatures
predicted by LIS for 2001/06/11. Temperatures range from 9 C to
35 C (48F to 95F), with the hottest areas being red and dark
red. Temperatures are generally cooler farther north and at
higher elevations. The urban areas stand out very distinctly
against their surroundings.   3152   Urban Signatures: Temperature (WMS)
Image Sequence for Hurricane Charley.   3153   Progression of Hurricane Charley, 2004 (WMS)
This image shows evaporation rate (milligrams
per square meter per second) predicted by LIS for 2001/06/11.
The urban areas stand out very distinctly against their
more evaporative surroundings.   3154   Urban Signatures: Evaporation (WMS)
This image shows outgoing thermal radiation
(watts per square meter) predicted by LIS for 2001/06/11. The
urban areas stand out very distinctly against their less
radiative surroundings.   3155   Urban Signatures: Thermal Radiation (WMS)
This image shows latent heat flux (watts per
square meter) predicted by LIS for 2001/06/11. The urban areas
stand out very distinctly against their surroundings, which have
more evaporation and therefore greater latent heat
flux.   3156   Urban Signatures: Latent Heat Flux (WMS)
This image shows sensible heat flux (watts per
square meter) predicted by LIS for 2001/06/11. The warm urban areas
have higher positive flux (heat flowing towards the atmosphere)
and stand out very distinctly against their
surroundings.   3157   Urban Signatures: Sensible Heat Flux (WMS)
Hurricane Fabian, 2003-09-03 15:05 UTC   3158   Progression of Hurricane Fabian, 2003 (WMS)
The CME in question is so fast, it appears in only one LASCO/C2 camera frame.   3159   SOHO/LASCO View of January 2005 Solar Events
AR 10720 launches a flare.   3160   January 2005 Solar Flares from SOHO/EIT
TRACE ultraviolet view of AR 10720   3161   TRACE Ultraviolet View of January 20, 2005 Solar Flare
Closeup of AR 10720.  Blue high-energy emission marks the footpoints of the coronal loops.  The lower-energy red emission is from the
loop structure.  See note below under ImageMods.   3162   RHESSI and TRACE View of January 20, 2005 Solar Flare
This animation shows the mean population center of the United States for each census from 1790-2000.   3163   United States Mean Population Center, 1790-2000 (WMS)
This animation shows the median center of population for the United States from each census from 1880-2000.   3164   United States Median Center of Population, 1880-2000 (WMS)
This data was scanned on January 24, 2004 from 20:01:25 UTC till January 24, 2004 20:22:19 UTC.  The blue line near the surface day/night terminator is where the terminator is 100 km from the surface.   3165   X-ray Images of the North Polar Region from the Chandra HRC-I Instrument
This animation shows the mean sea ice concentration in the northern hemisphere.  Each frame represents the mean value of a particular month from all years between 1979 and 2002.   3166   Monthly Sea Ice Climatology, 1979-2002 (WMS)
This animation shows the minimum sea ice concentration in the northern hemisphere during September between 1978 and 2004.   3167   September Minimum Sea Ice Concentration, 1979-2004 (WMS)
This animation shows the daily sea ice 89 GHz brightness temperature over the northern hemisphere during the winter 2002-2003.   3168   Daily 89 MHz Brightness Temperature, 2002-2003 (WMS)
This animation shows levels of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere after the volcanic eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines.   3169   Sulfur Dioxide from the Mount Pinatubo Volcanic Eruption, 1991 (WMS)
X-ray emissions from Earth's aurora.   3170   X-Ray Images of the North Polar Region (WMS)
This animation shows El Nino and La Nina from
1997 through 1998. Each frame is a ten-day average of wind
anomalies--that is, of differences from normal wind velocities.
The area shown in the animation is the Pacific ocean
from -21 to +21 latitude and +120 to +290 East
longitude.   3171   Wind Anomalies during El Nino/La Nina Event of 1997-1998 (WMS)
TRMM provides this view of Hurricane Ivan on September 16, 2004, as its eye makes landfall. TRMM lets us see through the clouds. Blue represents areas with at least 0.25 inches of rain per hour.   3172   Hurricane Ivan Rainfall Structure with Cloud Overlay on September 16, 2004
This animation shows 29 orbits (2 days) of CERES measurements of outgoing shortwave radiation, from June 20-21, 2003.  The measurements are superimposed over a global infrared cloud cover composite from the same period.   3175   Outgoing Shortwave Flux Compared to Clouds (WMS)
This animation shows 29 orbits (2 days) of outgoing longwave radiation, form June 20-21, 2003.  The measurements are superimposed over a global infrared cloud cover composite from the same period.   3176   Outgoing Longwave Flux Compared to Clouds (WMS)
This animation shows net radiation flux corresponding to 29 orbits (2 days) of CERES measurements, from June 20-21, 2003. This data is calculated from CERES outgoing longwave and shortwave measurements, along with a corresponding calculated incoming solar flux.  The measurements are superimposed over a global infrared cloud cover composite from the same period.    3177   Net Radiation Flux Compared to Clouds (WMS)
This animation shows incoming solar flux corresponding to 29 orbits (2 days) of CERES measurements, from June 20-21, 2003. This data is calculated using data from SORCE for the flux magnitude at the Earths orbit, coupled with solar incidence angles based on CERES measurement locations and times.  The measurements are superimposed over a global infrared cloud cover composite from the same period.   3178   Incoming Solar Flux Compared to Clouds (WMS)
This animation shows 29 orbits (2 days) of CERES measurements of regions of solar reflectivity, from June 20-21, 2003.  The measurements are superimposed over a global infrared cloud cover composite from the same period.   3179   Scene Identification Compared to Clouds (WMS)
This image shows the snow cover and sea ice surface temperature on March 15, 2003.   3180   MODIS Daily Global Snow Cover and Sea Ice Surface Temperature as seen in the SIGGRAPH 2005 Electronic Theater
VIDEO WITH MUSIC AND CAPTIONS   3181   A Tour of the Cryosphere
Global atmospheric sea level pressure from the 0.25 degree resolution fvGCM atmospheric model for the period 9/1/2005 through 9/5/2005.   3182   Global Atmospheric Sea Level Pressure during Hurricane Frances (WMS)
Zoom into the Houston Museum of Natural Science   3183   Great Zoom into the Houston Museum of Natural Science
Compare Hurricane Jeanne's actual path (in yellow) and the fvGCM model track (in green).   3184   fvGCM and Hurricane Jeanne Track
This animation shows the average snow cover for a given month over a 23-year period. The frames provide a transparent overlay. A background image taken from NASA's Blue Marble is also provided.   3185   Monthly Snow Climatology, 1979-2002 (WMS)
These images show the minimum extent of sea ice in the northern hemisphere.  There are several images available, including a transparent overlay, a background image from NASA's Blue Marble, and a composite image.   3186   Minimum Sea Ice Extent (WMS)
Image depicting the heating and cooling trends over and around Antarctica.  Blue indicates cooling trends and red indicates warming trends.   3188   Antarctic Heating and Cooling Trends
This is the view of Hurricane Dennis scene by the TRMM spacecraft on July 6, 2005 at 2i30Z.   3190   Hurricane Dennis on July 6, 2005
This animation shows the sea surface temperature for the first part of 2005.   3191   Sea Surface Temperature, 2005 (WMS)
This animation shows the Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly for the first part of 2005.   3192   Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly, 2005 (WMS)
This animation shows the sea surface height anomaly. This animation is primarily designed to be accessed from the SVS Web Map Services (WMS) server. Each frame represents the accumulation of data over about a 10-day period ending at the date and time indicated in the WMS metadata.   3193   Sea Surface Height Anomaly, 2003-2005 (WMS)
This image shows a composite of the individual images available.   3194   Progression of Hurricane Dennis, 2005 (WMS)
The Cave Creek Complex Fire on 6/23/05.   3195   The Cave Creek Complex Fire near Phoenix, Arizona
July 10, 2005 16:15 (UTC) In this image, with winds of 217 kilometers per hour (135 mph), Hurricane Dennis was a powerful Category 4 storm just hours away from making landfall.  The eye of the storm was about 90 kilometers (55 miles) south, southeast of Pensacola, Florida, and the storm was moving northwest at about 29 kilometers per hour (18 mph).   3196   Hurricane Dennis
Global atmospheric surface pressure from the 0.25 degree resolution fvGCM atmospheric model for the period 9/1/2005 through 9/5/2005.   3197   Global Atmospheric Surface Pressure during Hurricane Frances (WMS)
Global surface air temperature from the 0.25 degree resolution fvGCM atmospheric model for the period 9/1/2005 through 9/5/2005.
  3198   Global Surface Air Temperature during Hurricane Frances (WMS)
Global surface latent heat flux from the 0.25 degree resolution fvGCM atmospheric model for the period 9/1/2005 through 9/5/2005.   3199   Global Surface Latent Heat Flux during Hurricane Frances (WMS)
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