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Animation Identification Numbers 2200 through 2299

Movie ID Title
View of North America, from data collected in April of 2000, covered with a rainbow.  Purples are to the North and reds are to the South.  Purple denotes the lowest levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation and red denotes the highest levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation.  This data was collected over the year 2000.   2200   Erythemal Index 2000: United States Loop
View of North America, from data collected in April of 2000, covered with a rainbow.  Purples are to the North and reds are to the South.  Purple denotes the lowest levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation and red denotes the highest levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation.  This data was collected over the year 2000.   2201   Erythemal Index 2000: United States Loop (With Dates)
SeaWiFS caught this beautiful image of the cold front
that cooled down Washington D.C. area on July 1, 2001   2202   Cold Front Pushes Past the Washingon, D.C. Area
SeaWiFS caught this beautiful image of the cold front that
cooled down Washington D.C. area on July 1, 2001   2203   Cold Front Pushes Past the Washingon, D.C. Area (2nd Version)
A view of the precipitation data as the cloud layer peels away.  Looking northwest.   2204   Typhoon Utor from TRMM: July 5, 2001
Wide view of Sicily, notice the large plume.   2205   Mt. Etna, Sicily (pan)
A wideshot of Sicily.   2206   Mt. Etna, Sicily (push in)
Zoom into the ongoing Mount Etna Eruption, July 24, 2001   2207   Mt Etna Eruption, July 24, 2001
Mt. Etna Eruption July 24, 2001   2208   Mount Etna Eruption
A close up of Typhoon Yutu   2209   MODIS View of Typhoon Yutu
Mesopotamia 1973. Zoom into Euphrates, Tigris, and Shatt-al-Arab Rivers   2210   Landsat Witnesses the Destruction of Mesopotamian Ecosystem
Mt. Etna, Sicily; Landsat 7 Dataset July 13, 2001   2211   Viewing Mt. Etna, Sicily Using Landsat-7 and MODIS
MODIS dataset of Italy at 250 meter.   2212   Mt. Etna, Sicily on July 13, 2001 from Landsat 7
Mt. Etna, Sicily; Landsat 7 July 29, 2001, MODIS data of
Italy.   2213   Mt. Etna, Sicily on July 29, 2001 from Landsat 7
But aerosols also warm the atmosphere...   2214   The Impact of Aerosols on Atmospheric Warming - Version 1
Data for January 8, 2001   2215   Aerosols and Warming Change with Time - Version 1
View of the United States with red (showing high levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation) covering the Western US and then changing to splotchy yellows, greens and blues as you move East (denoting lower levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation).  Daily data is presented for July 1, 2001 through August 2, 2001.    2216   Daily Erythemal Index over the United States for July 2001
View of the United States with red (showing high levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation) covering the Western US and then changing to splotchy yellows, greens and blues as you move East (denoting lower levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation).  Daily data is presented for July 1, 2001 through August 2, 2001.    2217   Daily Erythemal Index over the United States for July 2001 (With Dates)
A global view of the Earth, gradually zooming into North America covered in purples (to the North) and blues (to the South), denoting low levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation in August, 2000.  This animation shows the fluctuation in the levels through the year.  By January, 2001, the red showing high levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation creep in and then fade away.  The data covers August, 2000 through July, 2001.   2218   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Zoom to North America (With Dates)
A global view of the Earth, gradually zooming into North America covered in purples (to the North) and blues (to the South), denoting low levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation in August, 2000.  This animation shows the fluctuation in the levels through the year.  By January, 2001, the red showing high levels of ground level ultraviolet radiation creep in and then fade away.  The data covers August, 2000 through July, 2001.   2219   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Slow Zoom to North America (With Dates)
Rotating Globe shows the fluctuation in the erythemal index over the course of a year (August, 2000, through July, 2001).   2220   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Rotating Globe (With Dates)
Slow rotating globe shows the fluctuation in the erythemal index for August, 2000, through July, 2001.   2221   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Slow Rotating Globe (With Dates)
Flat view of the Earth showing reds and yellows over the equatorial regions (denoting the higher ground levels of UV radiation) and cool greens, blues, and purples as you move towards the poles (denoting lower ground levels of UV radiation).   2222   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Full Earth
Flat view of the Earth showing reds and yellows over the
equatorial regions (denoting the higher ground levels of UV radiation) and cool
greens, blues, and purples as you move towards the poles (denoting lower ground
levels of UV radiation).   2223   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Full Earth (With Dates)
This erythemal index for North and South America shows the range of ground levels of UV radiation from the highest (in red) to the lowest (in purple).  This animation shows the fluctuation with the red areas moving from the equatorial region, Southward, then back to the middle as time passes from August, 2000 to July, 2001.   2224   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: North and South America
This erythemal index for North and South America shows the range of ground levels of UV radiation from the highest (in red) to the lowest (in purple).  This animation shows the fluctuation with the red areas moving from the equatorial region, Southward, then back to the middle as time passes from August, 2000 to July, 2001.   2225   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: North and South America (With Dates)
This erythemal index for Europe and Africa shows the range of ground levels of UV radiation from the highest (in red) to the lowest (in purple).  This animation shows the fluctuation with the red areas moving from the equatorial region, Southward, then back to the middle as time passes from August, 2000 to July, 2001.   2226   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Europe and Africa
This erythemal index for Europe and Africa shows the range of ground levels of UV radiation from the highest (in red) to the lowest (in purple).  This animation shows the fluctuation with the red areas moving from the equatorial region, Southward, then back to the middle as time passes from August, 2000 to July, 2001.   2227   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Europe and Africa (With Dates)
April, 2001   2228   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Australia and Asia
This erythemal index for Asia and Australia shows the range of ground levels of UV radiation from the highest (in red) to the lowest (in purple).  This animation shows the fluctuation with the red areas moving from the equatorial region, Southward, then back to the middle as time passes from August, 2000 to July, 2001.   2229   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Australia and Asia (With Dates)
But aerosols also warm the atmosphere...   2230   The Impact of Aerosols on Atmospheric Warming - Version 2
Data for January 8, 2001   2231   Aerosols and Warming Change with Time - Version 2
A view of the subsurface sunspot structure from another angle.   2232   SOHO/MDI Investigates Solar Flows Under Sunspots
Fires in Siberia   2233   Terra/MODIS Rapid-Response Fires: Siberian Fires
True color MODIS image   2234   Terra/MODIS Rapid-Response Fires: California Smoke Plumes
Blue Complex fire on 8-18-01   2235   Terra/MODIS Rapid-Response Fires: California Fires
Blue Complex fire on 8-18-01   2236   Terra/MODIS Rapid-Response Fires: Life of the Blue Complex Fire
Typhoon Pabuk over the southern part of Japan, August 21, 2001.   2237   Typhoon Pabuk
This SeaWiFS image clearly shows a massive duststorm over Libya.  The image was taken on August 23, 2001.   2238   Libyan Dust Storm
Japanese area showing aftermath of Typhoon Pabuk   2239   Zoom into aftermath of Typhoon Pabuk in Japan (SeaWiFS 23 Aug 2001)
Off the coast of Florida the product of the African dust
is large toxic algae blooms   2240   African Dust Leads to Large Toxic Algae Blooms
African Dust leads to large toxic algae blooms off the coast
of Florida   2241   African Dust Leads to Large Toxic Algae Blooms off the Coast of Florida
Close-up view of the fire zone (outlined in red).   2242   Terra/MODIS Zoom-in on a California Fire: August 29, 2001
Sunspots on the solar disk.   2243   SOHO/MDI Views the Sun - 1998
SOHO-MDI views a large sunspot group in 2001.   2244   SOHO/MDI Views the Sun - 2001
Full globe view   2245   Great Zoom into Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Football Stadium
Full globe view   2246   Great Zoom out of Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Football Stadium
Full globe view   2247   Great Zoom into Seattle, WA: The Space Needle
Full globe view   2248   Great Zoom out of Seattle, WA: The Space Needle
Full globe view   2249   Great Zoom into Baltimore, MD: The Inner Harbor
Full globe view   2250   Great Zoom out of Baltimore, MD: The Inner Harbor
Full globe view   2251   Great Zoom into Washington, DC: NASA Headquarters
Full globe view   2252   Great Zoom out of Washington, DC: NASA Headquarters
Full globe view   2253   Great Zoom into Greenbelt, MD: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Full globe view   2254   Great Zoom out of Greenbelt, MD: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
A pan and zoom towards the Earth designed to fit in front of SVS Animation 2253   2255   Pan and Zoom toward Earth
Rotating Globe shows the fluctuation in the erythemal index over the course of a year (August, 2000, through July, 2001).  This mpeg is a different rendering of animation 2221.   2256   Erythemal Index for August 2000 through July 2001: Rotating Globe
An animation showing dust being blown westward over the Atlantic from northern Africa in early 1983, from aerosol measurements taken by Nimbus 7 TOMS   2257   Aerosols from Nimbus 7 TOMS: Transatlantic Dust Event in 1983
An animation showing dust being blown westward over the Atlantic from northern Africa in early 1983, from aerosol measurements taken by Nimbus 7 TOMS   2258   Aerosols from Nimbus 7 TOMS: Transatlantic Dust Event in 1983 (with Dates)
An animation showing dust being blown westward over the Atlantic from northern Africa in July 2000, from aerosol measurements taken by Earth Probe TOMS   2259   Aerosols from Earth Probe TOMS: Transatlantic Dust Event in July 2000
An animation showing dust being blown westward over the Atlantic from northern Africa in July 2000, from aerosol measurements taken by Earth Probe TOMS   2260   Aerosols from Earth Probe TOMS: Transatlantic Dust Event in July 2000 (with Dates)
Global average monthly precipitation from January, 1979 to January, 2001   2261   Global Twenty Year Rainmap
A wide view of Hurricane Erin from SeaWiFS, taken September 10, 2001.  This image shows the eye to be located 200 kilometers due east of Bermuda.   2262   Hurricane Erin from SeaWiFS: September 10, 2001 (Version 1)
SeaWiFS captures this image of Erin as it lines up
parallel with Cape Hatteras on September 10, 2001   2263   Hurricane Erin from SeaWiFS: September 10, 2001 (Version 2)
This animation starts with a true color MODIS image and fades to a blank false color image.  From there, each of the MODIS landcover classes individually appear and then the series repeats with the classes appearing together.   2264   Global MODIS Land Cover
This animation of North and Central America shows each of the 17 MODIS landcover classes individually and then the series repeats with the classes appearing together.   2265   North America and Central America MODIS Land Cover
This animation of Africa shows each of the 17 MODIS landcover classes individually and then the series repeats with the classes appearing together.   2266   MODIS Land Cover of Africa
Zoom in to view Hurricane Humberto and peel away the clouds to reveal data from the precipitation radar.   2267   Hurricane Humberto during the CAMEX Dropsonde Campaign
A few sunspots visible to SOHO-MDI.   2268   SOHO/MDI Views the Sun - 1998
SOHO-MDI views a large sunspot group in 2001.   2269   SOHO/MDI Views the Sun - 2001
July 13th, 2001   2270   Lake Michigan 2001 Bloom (with dates)
July 13th, 2001   2271   Lake Michigan 2001 Bloom (without dates)
Hurricane Erin as seen by MODIS   2272   Hurricane Erin from MODIS: September 5, 2001
Hurricane Erin as seen by the SeaWiFS Instrument   2273   Hurricane Erin from SeaWiFS: September 10, 2001 (Version 3)
A view of Iris precipitation data, looking southeast.   2274   Hurricane Iris from TRMM: October 9, 2001
Stratospheric ozone for September 26, 2001   2275   Antarctic Ozone from TOMS: July 15, 2001 to October 9, 2001
Human-made lights highlight particularly
developed or populated areas of the Earths surface, including the seaboards of Europe.   2276   Earth at Night 2001
Landsat 7 views Salt Lake City, Utah, as it goes
through the seasonal changes.   2277   Seasonal Changes: Salt Lake City, Utah
Landsat 7 views Heber City, Utah, as it goes
through the seasonal changes. 10-19-2000   2278   Seasonal Changes: Heber City, Utah
Landsat 7 views Park City, Utah, as it goes
through the seasonal changes. 10-19-2000   2279   Seasonal Changes: Park City, Utah
This animation of Europe shows each of the 17 MODIS landcover classes individually and then the series repeats with the classes appearing together.   2280   MODIS Land Cover of Europe
This animation of South America is a series of false color MODIS images.  The movie starts at a blank global view, zooms to South America and then brings in each MODIS landcover class individually.  After each class has been seen individually the series repeats and the classes are shown together.   2281   MODIS Land Cover of South America
 This animation of Asia shows each of the 17 MODIS landcover classifications individually and then the series
repeats with each of the classes being shown additively.   2282   MODIS Land Cover of Asia
This animation of Australia shows each of the 17 MODIS landcover classes individually and then the series repeats additively.   2283   MODIS Land Cover of Australia
Ozone in the northern and southern hemispheres as measured by Earth Probe TOMS from 7-26-1996 to 11-4-2001   2284   Total Ozone from Earth Probe TOMS: 7/26/1996-11/4/2001
Grasslands (in green) over the Asian hemisphere   2285   Grasslands of the World
A close up of Hurricane Olga, from the SeaWiFS Instrument.   2286   Hurricane Olga: 28 November 2001
Close-up on the sunspot group   2287   The Spinning Sunspot
A Still Image of the Carbon Sink animation. Notice
how the land pulsates, breathing with life.   2288   Missing Link in Carbon Sink Found in Northern Forests: Three Years of Biosphere Data, Spinning Globe
A still image of the Carbon Sink Animation.
Here one can see three years of data of the Biosphere, focused on North America.   2289   Missing Link in Carbon Sink found in Northern Forests: Three Years of Biosphere Data, North America focus
This still shows the three years of data of the
Biosphere, focused on Europe and Asia   2290   Missing Link in Carbon Sink found in Northern Forests: Three Years of Biosphere Data, Europe and Asia focus
Mars with ocean - looking at Hellas Basin   2291   FUSE/MOLA: Mars Once had Oceans
True color image of the north pole of Mars   2292   MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Zoom to Martian North Pole: True Color
Topography of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation   2293   MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Fast Zoom to Martian North Pole: False Color
Topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation   2294   MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Fast Zoom out from Martian South Pole: False Color
Topography of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation   2295   MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Medium Zoom to Martian North Pole: False Color
Topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation   2296   MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Medium Zoom out from Martian South Pole: False Color
The surface of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation   2297   MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Flyover of the Martian North Pole: False Color
An overhead view of the north pole of Mars shown in true color   2298   MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom out from the Martian North Pole: True Color
A close view of the topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation   2299   MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Flyover of the Martian South Pole: False Color
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