Volunteers for Prosperity
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US Energy Association
1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20004

Phone: 202-312-1230
Fax: 202-312-1814
Email: jhammond@usea.org
Web Address: http://www.usea.org


About US Energy Association

The United States Energy Association (USEA) is the U.S. Member Committee of the World Energy Council (WEC). USEA is an association of public and private energy-related organizations, corporations, and government agencies. USEA represents the broad interests of the US energy sector by increasing the understanding of energy issues, both domestically and internationally. In conjunction with the US Agency for International Development and the US Department of Energy, USEA sponsors the Energy Partnership Program. USEA sponsors policy reports and conferences dealing with global and domestic energy issues as well as sponsors trade and educational exchange visits with other countries.

International Voluntary Service Activities

USEA provides US energy executives from the electric utility industry and energy regulatory commissions the opportunity to discuss and demonstrate their "best practices" to their counterparts in developing countries and countries in economic transition. US volunteers host overseas energy executives and travel on executive exchanges to meet with overseas utilities and regulators. During the last twelve months, USEA has deployed over 200 volunteers, with plans to do the same over the upcoming twelve months. USEA has an available pool of over 500 potential volunteers.

Volunteer for Prosperity Opportunities
Number of Opportunities 10


Geographic Regions Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Near East, Russia, Fr. Soviet Union


Health & Prosperity Sectors Economic Growth, Reform, Capacity Building, Competitiveness


Types of Opportunities Management, Technical


Average Duration of Projects 10 days


Volunteer Profile Summary

Individual currently employed as a senior manager/executive with a US electric utility or regulatory commission. Generally, volunteers have technical or financial degrees with over 15 years of actual experience. Frequently, they are also managers of major organizational divisions within their businesses/organizations.


USA Freedom Corps Department of State Department of Commerce Department of Health and Human Services USAID