Datasets available:


US Climate Divisions


More Info

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oGet data and more info from NCDC.

oGet climate division boundaries and other useful files from NCDC.

oUS Map with list of all climate divisions and individual state maps of the climate divisions.

oHow to reference plots


Distribution of Monthly and Seasonal Means:
US Climate Division data

How do the current month or season's us climate division's temperature, precipitation and palmer drought index values compare with those in the past? By selecting a state and division, you can obtain a plot of the distribution of the monthly or seasonal values from 1895 to the present for the location chosen together with general statistics and the current value. Other options available include plots of the sorted data and data values (listed by year or sorted). For sorted plots, you can optionally highlight certain years on the plot (for example, the last 5 years or the strongest El Nino years). When a subset of years is highlighted you will also get summary statistics for that subgroup.

State Climate Division Variable

Statisticmean anomaly (relative to period selected)

Start Month End Month

Start Year: End Year:

1895-the present available

Data Distribution Plot Sorted Values, Plotted
Table of values Sorted Table of values
Percentile (ranking) of input value:
Percentile (ranking) of input year:

Optional: Plot options:

Bin size: Low Value: High Value:
Set y-range: Low High Set x-range: Low High
Frequency plot

Optional: Enter years for highlighting in sorted plot:

Optional: Select index for highlightning:1948 is current lower limit
Number of years:

This is a work in progress. Please send suggestions/comment to Cathy Smith