ORNL-6785 Data and Computer Programs

All of The ASCII Files Listed Below Can Be Saved to Local Disk By:
  1. Selecting The File, e.g. "All Cancer (ICD 140-209) Data Set..."
  2. Then Use The "Save As" Option on the File Pull-Down Menu
All Cancer (ICD 140-209) Data Set for X-10/Y-12 Ten Year Lag (ASCII File 162K- 4230 Records)
List of Variables By Columns for All Cancer Data (ASCII File 1K)
GLIM Progam To Obtain ORNL-6785 Table AIV (ASCII File 2.5K)
S-Plus Program To Obtain ORNL-6785 Table AIV (ASCII File 3.5K)
ORNL-6785 Table AIV S-Plus VersionOR GLIM Version
AMFIT Program To Obtain ORNL-6785 Table AV (ASCII File 2.3K)
ORNL-6785 Table AV Output from AMFIT af-tabav.txt (ASCII File 9.3K)
Updated to Sun Version 2.07 4 May 98

These files can be used to reproduce the results in Table VI ( All Cancer column), Table XI, and Tables AIV through AVII of ORNL-6785.

Additional Data From The ADS (see bottom of Fig. AI) is Available From CEDR at LBL. This includes information equivalent to the "All Cancer" data set ( see above) for each of the 22 additional Cause of Death categories listed in Table VIII. These data sets can be used to reproduce the results in Tables VI,VII, and VIII.

For information on epicure ( AMFIT) OR GLIM OR S-Plus .