[This reportedly is an audiotape of an unknown suspect, who was allegedly involved in the Bryan Dos Santos-Gomez kidnapping, leaving a voice-mail message on an answering machine.]

[Telephone ringing]

Recording: "We are unavailable to take your call—[Beeps] Press "one" to play new messages. [Beep] Three messages. Message one:"

Unknown female: The girls are taking me, but, uhm, here on, uhm— I'll tell you right now... It's called Cleveland...Cleveland Avenue. [Pause] Yes, but the thing is that they say that there are other streets called that way . [Pause] then, it's only Pine Manor? It's over there, by Pine Manor, 11th Street. [Voices/Pause] Oh, okay. [Pause] But, when are you arriving? [Pause/Beep] Beacause I have to take the girls back. [Pause] Okay. [Pause] I'll call you back, okay? [Pause] Bye-bye. [Pause] Okay, bye-bye.

Recording: "Time not set. Message two:"

Unknown female: There in the back, right? [Pause] Yes, I know now where it is. Okay. [Pause] Yeah. [Pause] Okay, bye-bye.

Recording: "Time not set. Message three."

Police Officer: Test one, two, three. Test one, two, three.

Recording: "Time not set. End of messages. [Beeps] Press "one" to play new messages. Press—"

[End of the recording]

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