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technology innovations underwayKing County technology innovations underway

Existing networks used for emergency and critical communications are not compatible with one another because of differing frequencies or operating systems and do not allow interoperability.

So King County is evaluating a new technology that supports interoperability between communication protocols, creating a “virtual hybrid” communications network.

It uses a single, off-the-shelf smartphone or handheld device loaded with special software to allow seamless communication with others on radio networks, cellular networks, telephone networks, and satellite networks.

Interoperability increases the likelihood that emergency communication within and between regional responders can continue when traditional communication networks are unavailable or when possible communication path are unpredictable.

Other King County technology projects

  1. Video surveillance streaming from Metro buses. Learn more in a videoVideo available (Real Networks format)
    • Ability to stream surveillance video from buses directly to King County Sheriff patrol cruisers.
    • Allows officers to view situation LIVE while en route to respond to incident.
  2. Expansion of wi-fi public access on Betro buses
    • Expansion of existing service to other routes.
    • Specifically expanding from local downtown routes to commuter routes.
  3. Consolidated criminal history
    • Partnership with Washington State to make criminal information available to field police officers.
    • Consolidates official law enforcement criminal history, official criminal court case dispositions, and King County jail booking data into a single query.
    • Presented on any laptop, accessible via wireless connection, which is now deployed to all King County Sheriff’s patrol cruisers and most municipal police cars.
  4. Expansion of I-Net to support wireless networks
    • Partnership with municipal governments to create wireless access for government and citizens.
    • Leverages existing investment in I-Net fiber network to create new services.
  5. Public wi-fi access in White Center
    • Create public wireless Internet access in White Center neighborhood.
    • Similar to award-winning capabilities at Marymoor Park.
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  Updated: June 26, 2006