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Gibraltar SLP

Time Interval: Monthly
Time Coverage: 1821 to 2002
Update Status: Not regularly updated

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NAO_GIB: Standard CDC Format (What is standard format?)
NAO_GIB: Original Format

Data is from CRU via the page

  1. Hurrell, J.W., 1995: Decadal trends in the North Atlantic Oscillation and relationships to regional temperature and precipitation. Science, 269, 676-679.
  2. Jones, P.D., Jo'nsson, T. and Wheeler, D., 1997: Extension to the North Atlantic Oscillation using early instrumental pressure observations from Gibraltar and South-West Iceland. Int. J. Climatol., 17, 1433-1450.

[ SOI | NAO | Rec NAO | AO | PDO | NP | TPI | Iceland P | Azores P | Gilbralter P | | Nagasaki P | Madras P ]
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Updated: Sep 27, 2007 10:48:38 MDT
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