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Global Average Temperature & SST Anomalies (Station + SST)

GLOBAL Land-Ocean Temperature Index in .01 C base period: 1951-1980 using GHCN 1880-01/2005 + SST: 1880-11/1981 HadISST1 12/1982-01/2005 Reynolds v2 using elimination of outliers and homogeneity adjustment

Time Interval: Monthly
Time Coverage: 1880 to May 2007
Update Status: Periodically updated

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[ SOI | NAO | Rec NAO | AO | PDO | NP | TPI | Iceland P | Azores P | Gilbralter P | | Nagasaki P | Madras P ]
[ Niño1+2 | Niño3 | Niño3.4 | Niño 4 | AMO | Global T stations | Global T+SST (NASA) | Global T+SST (CRU) | Sunspots ]

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Updated: Feb 21, 2008 16:21:05 MST
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