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University of Miami School of Medicine

Grant Title: Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities

View University of Miami School of Medicine Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Daniel  F.  Armstrong, PhD
Mailman Center for Child Development University of Miami
D-820 P.O. Box 016820
Miami, FL 33101-6820
(305) 243-6801
Email: darmstrong@miami.edu


This is a training program that provides interdisciplinary training to address health disparities, culturally competent and family centered care in a diverse and underserved population of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: To increase the number of interdisciplinary leaders qualified to provide family-centered, culturally competent services. Objective 1: By the end of each year, at least seventy interdisciplinary long-term trainees will successfully demonstrate the competencies described in this application. Objective 2: By the end of each year, at least twenty interdisciplinary long-term trainees representing minority ethnic groups will successfully demonstrate the competencies specified in this application in the area of interdisciplinary leadership training. Objective 3: By the end of each year, 100% of all trainees will complete all the requirements for the web-based curriculum with 85% accuracy on the posttest. Goal 2: To increase the number of interdisciplinary leaders who can use research approaches to develop evidenced-based practice skills inadvance knowledge through research. Objective 1: 100% of all long-term trainees will successfully demonstrate their knowledge of the research process by completing a computer search requirement or participating in and presenting a research project, with trainees and faculty having engaged in at least 50 research projects annually. Objective 2: By the end of each year, at least 10 new research protocols, models of care, curriculum, and/or training materials will be developed, implemented and/or disseminated. Objective 3: By the end of each year, faculty and trainees will conduct at least 200 activities resulting in dissemination of information. Goal 3: To increase the number of future leaders who can evaluate and develop federal, state, and local policies, programs, and legislation that affects system of care for children with NDD or SHCN. Objective 1: By the end of each year, 90% of all full-time graduate trainees will observe complete the requirements for participation in a minimum of one leadership activity. Objective 2: By the end of each year, 95% of all full-time long-term post-doctoral trainees will complete the requirements for participation in a minimum of three leadership activities. Objective 3: 100% of all trainees will successfully complete web-based curriculum requirements with 85% accuracy on the post-test. Goal 4: To decrease the number of children in South Florida who have unmet health care needs, mental health needs, oral health needs, or unmet developmental needs. Objective 1: By the end of the 5-year LEND project, the impact of our LEND project will result in a 10% increase in access to critical interdisciplinary services because of direct service provision, expansion of the MCH public health system, or change in public policy.


The MCCD LEND is an organized program that ensures acquisition of core skills and knowledge within a training model that promotes flexibility for all trainees. Content information is learned using (a) a case-based, problem-focused interdisciplinary web course, (b) an interdisciplinary case conference that focuses on leadership skill development, as well as a working understanding of MCH priorities, medical homes, community collaboration, and state and federal law, and (c) specialty seminars on cultural competency, ethics, clinical research, and legislative advocacy. All trainees participate in an interdisciplinary clinical experience, learn fundamentals of research, and observe and participate in leadership activities in the Center and community settings.


This project is coordinated with Children's Medical Services of Florida (State Title V agency), Holtz Children's Hospital and Jackson Health System (public safety net hospital), United Way, The Children's Trust of Miami-Dade County, Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, and Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Some of these agencies provide supplemental funding for this LEND; others serve as hospital and community training sites.


Core Competencies- Content quizes, trainee review of clinical service program with peers/supervisors; Process


Documentation of successful completion of core competencies; Leadership Outcomes: Evidence of leadership in follow-up trainee surveys; Satisfaction-ratings by trainees, consumers; Impact on Child Health-Completion of parent survey of child health in underserved communities.