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University of Alabama at Birmingham

Grant Title: MCH Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

View University of Alabama at Birmingham Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Alan  K.  Percy, MD
Civitan International Research Center
1719 Sixth Avenue, South
Birmingham, AL 35294-0021
(205) 934-1055
Email: apercy@uab.edu


Alabama and the surrounding states continue to need a comprehensive system of preservice and continuing education which provides leadership education and training experiences to individuals who are or will be working with children with neurodevelopmental and realted disabilities and their families.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: Provide interdisciplinary leadership education/training to graduate and postgraduate health and health related professionals in a model center of excellence in training, service, and research. Objective 1: Recruit and select at least 25 graduate or postgraduate level trainees for long-term training (>300 hours/year) and at least 50 intermediate or short-term trainees (9 - 299 hours/year) each year. Objective 2: Recruit and enroll trainees from ethnic/racial minority groups that will comprise at least 20% of the trainees each year. Objective 3: Train at least 25 long-term advanced-level trainees and 50 intermediate trainees per year who, at the end of their training, meet the competencies outlined in the core curriculum and are able to utilize relevant elements of the leadership-training curriculum in their place of employment. Goal 2: Utilize a leadership education curriculum, which emphasizes interdisciplinary, family-centered, culturally and linguistically appropriate, comprehensive health care. Objective 1: Offer an array of clinical training opportunities (practicum training sites) through Civitan/Sparks Clinics and in the broader community that will be used by LEND trainees to develop their knowledge and skills in medical, psychosocial, and other health related services. Objective 2: Provide didactic leadership education through seminars focusing on systems of care, establishing medical homes for children with special health care needs, specialized and innovative community based medical, psychosocial, and other health related services, and relevant research topics. Objective 3: Use and teach trainees to use computer based technology to develop training presentations and training modules. Goal 3: UAB LEND will develop research awareness and skills for trainees through seminars and projects supervised by the faculty. Objective 1: Each Long-term Trainee will develop an awareness of current research technologies and applications in the field of neurodevelopmental disabilities. Objective 2: Each Long-term Trainee will develop and carry out a research project by reviewing research literature on a particular topic and presenting the findings at a journal club or UAB LEND core seminar, participating in an ongoing investigation, or completing an independent research project. Objective 3: Trainees will be able to use advanced technology computing software and statistical programs for data management and analysis and be familiar with the Protection of Human Subjects and the Institutional Review Board process. Goal 4: UAB LEND will provide continuing education and technical assistance to Title V and other child health and child development agency professional personnel and parents in Alabama and Region IV. Objective 1: Conduct an annual needs assessment with Title V and other agencies in Alabama and surrounding states related to training needs. Objective 2: Continue collaboration with continuing education events involving other agencies participating in at least 5 co-sponsored events annually. Objective 3: Develop an annual continuing education event utilizing technology, distance learning, etc. and continue to provide scholarly reports and publications in appropriate disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals. Goal 5: UAB LEND faculty will work to make changes in the state and regional health care delivery system to remove some of the barriers and health service disparities. Objective 1: Continue MCH partnerships by participating in statewide coalition of Title V agencies and parent groups that meets quarterly to discuss ongoing and emerging needs of the population and to develop strategies for prevention and coordination of efforts. Objective 2: Continue to maintain a comprehensive state-wide information system in collaboration with Title V and other agencies for receiving and properly routing inquiries in order to coordinate the delivery of relevant services and technical assistance. Objective 3: Work towards system and policy changes by actively participating on community advisory boards, state planning committees, state and local task forces, regional planning committees, and other panels dedicated to the improvement of children’s health.


All trainees involved in preservice training participate, under the direct supervision of a faculty mentor, in the core curriculum designed for didactic and experiential activities. The curriculum includes all aspects of leadership and interdisciplinary training, including knowledge of specific disorders of the population served, legislation, policy and program development, advocacy and the importance of family, culture, and coordination. Trainees participate in interdisciplinary clinics and programs under the direct supervision of a faculty preceptor, both on and off campus. Each trainee will be required to spend a field placement in a Title V agency with a mentor designated in the agency. Continuing education is accomplished through Center sponsored or co-sponsored workshops, presentations, lectures, seminars, and technical assistance. The Sparks Clinics/Civitan Center participates with other Title V and SPRANS projects in planning and conducting continuing education activities. Faculty also provide technical assistance to other professionals, agencies, and families. These activities address national, regional, state, and local audiences.


Alabama Department of Public Health - training, service, outreach; Alabama Department of Children's Rehabilitation Services - training, service, outreach; Alabama Department of Human Resources - training, service, outreach; Children's Health System of Alabama - training, service, outreach; Head Start - training, service, outreach; School Systems - training, service, outreach.


Trainees are evaluated through oral and written appraisals of their clinical work, mid-year trainee-faculty reviews, and evaluation of their case presentations and research and technical assistance products. Effectiveness of outreach training/continuing education is evaluated through post-training surveys. Systems change activities are evaluated through formative and summative evaluation designs.