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Medical University of South Carolina

Grant Title: Collaborative Office Rounds

View Medical University of South Carolina Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Eve  G.  Spratt, MD
Medical University of South Carolina
PO Box 250567 135 Rutledge Avenue
Charleston, SC 29425-8903
(843) 876-0504
Email: spratte@musc.edu


Almost one third of youth need mental health, developmental or psychosocial assessment or interventions yet less than 2% of youth are seen by a mental health specialist. Interdisciplinary case based discussions led by child psychiatrists and pediatricians can help pediatric health care providers improve their ability to address psychosocial concerns.

Goals and Objectives:

1. Promote continuing education for a group of pediatric primary care and mental health providers to review childhood and adolescent emotional, social, developmental, and behavior problems that present to mental health and medical settings. A. Group will meet monthly for 12 meetings per year. Members will attend 75% or more of meetings. B. The group will retain at least 25% minority participants and guest consultants. 2. Use mental health, developmental and psychosocial evidence based literature to encourage case and topic specific discussions. A. Provide evidence based information in electronic, written and verbal form on at least one curriculum topic at each meeting. B. Monitor primary care providers on how many youth were identified, evaluated, treated and referred. 3. Facilitate mental heath promotion through review of more comprehensive approach to health supervision by physicians caring for children as envisioned in Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents (Green, 1994). A. Provide electronic or hard copies of pertinent literature before or after each meeting. B. Once per year, participants will be asked to identify which developmental assets they have promoted in their practices with youth. 4. Assess and monitor the health of reproductive-age women, pregnant women, children, and children with special needs at local and state levels so problems can be identified and addressed. A. Each group member to implement at least one change in practitioner clinic or practice to correct barriers. Group members will be asked to discuss these changes orally at least once per 6 months. B. Participants will complete written yearly evaluation. 5. Disseminate information learned from the group to other professionals that have opportunities to address the medical and mental health needs of children. A. Provide a column for at least 6 newsletters per year. B. Coordinate mini symposium in year 2 and year 4.


Monthly meetings with professionals, two workshops within the five year training period and a bimonthly news column in the Children’s Hospital newsletter will be undertaken tot meet project goals. Evaluation of effectiveness of meetings will be determined by group attendance, participation and anonymous surveys.


Ms. Josie Kirker, MSW is well qualified to help with notifying participants of the group, with organizing breakfast that is currently provided by Novartis or Shire drug reps. Drs. Spratt and Macias have been involved in national initiatives pertinent to this application. Drs. Scott and Shawinsky are community practitioners in Child Psychiatry and Pediatrics that will be back up co-moderators. Ms. Kirker will help with distribution of literature and surveys. The Departments of Pediatrics and Psychiatry (see letters from the chairmen) are providing resources for this program. The Depts. of Pediatric Neurology and Pediatric Neurosurgery provided resources to host a mini symposium in April 2006 and this will be done again during the five year funding period. CME credits will be provided and Ms. Kirker will keep a record of names and follow protocols for this information.


Attendance, yearly pre and posttest and at least quarterly subject matter brief question/ answer surveys will be used to evaluate the didactic part of the program. Satisfaction surveys will be given yearly and suggestions for improving the format will be collected throughout the time period.