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University of Hawaii, Manoa

Grant Title: The Public Health Certificate in MCH Leadership

View University of Hawaii, Manoa Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Nancy  S.  Partika, MPH
University of Hawaii at Manoa
1960 East West Rd. # C-103
Honolulu, HI 96822-2323
(808) 956-5756
Email: nantika@hawaii.edu


Many MCH professionals are not prepared to perform required functions. Many of these workers are minorities or work in geographically isolated areas and lack essential PH competencies and skills. The MCH Certificate provides leadership training to workers in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: To strengthen leadership capacity and promote diversity among MCH professionals in Hawai’i and the U.S.-Associated Pacific Islands. Objective 1: FOR HAWAII: By June 2009, train at least 30 MCH working professionals and graduate students, with emphasis on 10 MCH working professionals residing in isolated areas of the state or belonging to under-represented populations (Native Hawaiian, Filipino, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islanders). Objective 2: FOR US-ASSOCIATED PACIFIC ISLANDS; By June 2009, train at least 20 MCH working professionals from American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Guam, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), the Republic of Palau, and the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI). Objective 3: By the completion of the MCH Certificate course of study, participants will have acquired at least 80% of the MCH competencies for leadership practice.


The MCH Certificate program is based on the University of Hawai`i graduate certificate model. It requires the completion of a course of study equivalent to 16 – 18 credit hours. Its curriculum is based on the 2001 revision of the MCH competencies developed by the Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH) as they apply to the needs identified by MCH serving agencies in Hawai`i and the U.S.-Associated Pacific Islands jurisdictions. The curriculum includes 4 areas of focus: 1) analytical skills, 2) management, policy and advocacy skills, 3) community development skills, and 4) leadership skills. Instruction is provided through in-class offering and the use of the Hawai‘i Interactive Television System (HITS) for participants on Kaua‘i, Maui and the Big Island of Hawai‘i. Distance learning approaches for U.S. Associated Pacific Islands (i.e., Guam, American Samoa, CNMI, FSM, RMI and the Republic of Palau) are being planned. One approach under consideration is the Pan-Pacific Education and Communication Experiments by Satellite (PEACESAT). In-class instruction is offered at night and on weekends for Hawaii’s working MCH professionals. Additionally, intensive, accelerated courses (one- and two-week schedules) are offered during the summer academic session in Hawaii. We are in the planning phase for offering summer courses also in Guam through the University of Guam system.


The MCH faculty coordinates activities with other teaching units on the UHM campus and with community agencies including programs in the State Department of Health and the Department of Human Services and public and private non-profit organizations. Pacific Island recruitment and training activities are coordinated with the Directors of Health of each of the jurisdictions.


Evaluation includes student performance outcomes and process measures. Pre-post tests of knowledge and PH competencies acquired will be administered. Student performance will be documented in the form of student portfolios. Evaluation will examine the effectiveness of the various methods of instruction. Formal student course evaluations will be conducted and focus groups held at established intervals. Evaluation will also focus on the effectiveness of recruitment and retention activities.

Experience to Date:

For project year 2005 to 2006 the MCH Certificate has recruited 7 out of 10 participants from Hawai`i and 12 from the USAPI including 4 new participants. The goal for the USAPI was 7 students. There are currently 28 trainees in the MCH Certificate and 21 of the trainees are from traditionally under-represented populations or isolated areas of Hawai`i and the USAPI. The courses PH 647 Analytic Approaches to MCH (Fall 2005), PH 737 Policies and Programs in MCH and PH 789 Integrative Seminar in MCH (Spring 2006) were offered to Hawai`i students. Ph 737 Policies and Programs in MCH was offered through the Hawaii Interactive Television System (HITS) and was available to the neighbor islands of Hawai`i. During Summer Session 2006, PH 647 Analytic Approaches to MCH will be offered in a condensed format for the USAPI and Neighbor Island students. MCH Certificate informational sessions for community professionals have been conducted in Hilo. Faculty continues to collaborate with other university colleagues and projects to explore appropriate methods to provide distance learning for the USAPI MCH professionals. A new academic support/project coordinator has been hired. The MCH Certificate continues to receive strong community and alumni support.