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The Johns Hopkins University

Grant Title: Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Health Program

View The Johns Hopkins University Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Donna  Strobino, PhD
Population and Family Health
615 N. Wolfe Street Room E4153
Baltimore, MD 21205-2103
(410) 502-5451
Email: dstrobin@jhsph.edu


The purpose of the MCHLTP is to support and strengthen the education, research and service mission of the BSPH MCH faculty within the Department of Population & Family Health Sciences.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: To prepare research doctoral and professional practice doctoral students for leadership careers in MCH. Objective 1: Years 1-5, training funds for 6 MCHLTP doctoral students Objective 2: Years 1-5, MCH-related theses completed for 3 PFHS doctoral graduates Objective 3: Years 1-5, 2 MCHLTP doctoral students will take MCH leadership positions Goal 2: To prepare professional graduates through course work and seminars that cover the core public health functions and performance objectives concerning MCH and related programs. Objective 1: Years 1-5, training funds for 6 MCHLPT masters of health science students Objective 2: Years 1-5, 5 MPH students in child health or women's and reproductive health concentration Objective 3: Years 1-5, PFHS faculty work with at least 5 MPH students on an MCH related capstone project Goal 3: To provide continuing education that is responsive to the identified needs of professionals in the field. Objective 1: Years 1-2, leadership training workshop conducted for MCH professionals in Region III Objective 2: Years 1-5, 4 MCH courses offered in BSPH summer and winter institutes Objective 3: Year 1, development of workshop materials for leadership training for MCH professionals Goal 4: To provide consultation and technical assistance to state and local Title V agencies and other public and private MCH-related agencies. Objective 1: By year 5, MCHLPT faculty consult with at least 10 state and local MCH programs Objective 2: By year 5, MCH faculty participate in at least 20 MCH-related boards or committees Objective 3: Years 1-5, Women's and Children's Health Policy Center disseminates 2 policy briefs on an MCH problem or health systems issue Goal 5: To conduct and disseminate research and other scholarly activities related to the study, analysis and interpretation of health problems and service delivery to MCH populations. Objective 1: By years 5, MCHLTP faculty receive funds for at least 5 MCH-related research projects Objective 2: By year 5, promote at least one junior faculty member Objective 3: Years 1-5, MCHLTP faculty publish on average at least 2 research articles per year


MCHLTP is supported by a faculty that represents a variety of professional health and related disciplines. An Advisory Panel of MCH leaders will provide guidance to the MCHLTP for faculty and students. A broad curriculum is available for masters and doctoral students related to growth and development at every stage of childhood, adolescence and early adulthood as well as the reproductive years and on the health status of women, children and their families in the US. Emphasis is placed on the science base of MCH and development of quantitative analytical skills. Attention also is paid to health policy development and analysis, and the curriculum addresses the competencies expressed by ATMCH and MCHB. The Masters of Health Science and Public Health and the Doctors of Philosophy and Public Health programs have established required curricula and offer elective courses that provide a comprehensive breadth and in depth training experiences for students interested in MCH. Students are grounded in the history and current implementation of Title V programs. The MCHLTP program will provide continuing education related to leadership training, and through courses in MCH institutes, distance education courses and software development. Faculty will also provide consultation and TA, and the WCHPC will disseminate translational materials to MCH programs. Conduct of faculty research and inclusion of cultural competence into MCH courses are program priorities.


The MCHLTP maintains historically active collaborative relationships with MCHB, regional state MCH agencies within PHS/Region III, Title V Training Projects and other community-based MCH related projects in public and private sectors. The program is administered through the Women?s and Children?s Health Policy Center, with collaborative relationships with several major JHU Centers.


Trainees are evaluated by established academic methods including: written exams, comprehensive oral exams, satisfactory completion of supervised field placements, and for doctoral students: preliminary oral examination and the traditional defense of their thesis. All courses and instructors are evaluated by students. The program maintains a database on its courses, students, graduates, products of its faculty and grants funded. These databases will be used to evaluate the 9 MCHLTP objectives.

Experience to Date:

The MCHLTP that has excellent enrollment in MCH courses and draws students not only from the Department of Population and Family Health Sciences, but also MPH students from the two MCH-related concentrations and students from other departments. Eight doctoral, 3 MHS, and 20 MPH students in MCH-related concentrations graduated in May, 2006, and produced many written products related to domestic MCH concerns. Twelve students also completed the MCH certificate. Extensive background work has been conducted to develop a leadership training workshop and a variety of distance education products. The faculty and students continue to publish and obtain research grants at an excellent rate. They also collaborate with and provide extensive consultation and technical assistance to local, state, and federal MCH agencies as well as national and international organizations concerned with the health of women and children. Two advocacy workshops were piloted and received excellent reviews by participating faculty and students. Major MCH courses were assessed for content related to cultural diversity and disparities, with a large variance among noted among the courses. At a minimum all courses address disparities in health or development among vulnerable populations. An Advisory Committee was formed for the MCHLTP that represents a diversity of local, state, and national public health constituencies.