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Motor Vehicle Safety

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International Conference on Road Safety at Work banner.

International Conference on Road Safety at Work
February 16-18, 2009, Washington, DC

Road traffic crashes are a leading cause of workplace death, injury, and disability in many countries around the world. Workers, families, businesses, and society all suffer the consequences of workplace crashes. Because rapid motorization and economic development go hand in hand, workers in the developing world are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the risk of road traffic crashes.

The International Conference on Road Safety at Work, organized by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and co-sponsors, will provide a forum for business, labor, policy makers, and the research community to address this important topic.

Conference Registration
Online registration is now available (

Conference Registration Type
Dates to Register
Early Full Registration $250 September 2, 2008 - December 1, 2008
Advance Full Registration $300 December 2, 2008 - February 6, 2009
One-day Registration $150 September 2, 2008 - February 6, 2009
On-site Full Registration $350 February 16, 2009

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel at the conference rate of $209 + tax. To use this rate, please contact the hotel using the link below or call the hotel and refer to reservation code NIONIOA. The hotel reservation cut off date is Monday, January 26, 2009.

Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
2660 Woodley Road, NW
Washington, DC 20008 USA
Hotel Reservations: +1-202-328-2000
Hotel Fax: + 1-202-234-0015
Make hotel reservations online (

Read the Conference announcement.
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NEW!  NIOSH Provides Input for Global Road Safety Resolution

Participants of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration meetingsThe United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution A/62/L.43 on “Improving Global Road Safety” on March 31, 2008. The Sultanate of Oman introduced the resolution, which was sponsored by more than 90 countries and adopted unanimously. The resolution includes encouragement for "organizations in both private and public sectors with vehicle fleets to develop and implement policies and practices that will reduce crash risks for vehicle occupants and other road users." As a participant in the federal Global Road Safety Interagency Working Group, NIOSH provided input that strengthened this portion of the resolution. For the first time, a United Nations resolution includes specific language that notes the importance of fleet operations to worker safety and public safety. This gives corporations, governments, and other stakeholders strong justification to take action to improve road safety for workers around the world. For more information, contact Stephanie Pratt or Jane Hingston.

Full text of the resolution
this document in PDF 36 KB (3 pages)
External link:

NEW! Impact of federal compliance reviews of trucking companies in reducing highway truck crashes
Accid Anal & Prev (2008 Jan; 40(1):238-245)

Worldwide Occupational Road Safety (WORS) Review Project
In developing this report, NIOSH contractor Dr. Will Murray reviewed data sources for occupational crashes using key informants in 15 nations.  He found gaps in jurisdiction, incomplete data, and inability to compare or link data within or between nations.  These factors, along with limited information sharing about successful programs to promote occupational road safety, are impediments to development of international initiatives. 

Proceedings of Truck Driver Occupational Safety and Health Conference
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2007-120
In April 2003, an international group of researchers convened in Detroit to discuss the occupational safety and health of commercial motor vehicle drivers. This conference was unusual because it focused on driver well-being, rather than general highway safety and transportation issues.  The meeting was sponsored by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and the Trucking Industry Program and the Trucking Industry Benchmarking Program at Wayne State University. The report provides a selective review of the relevant literature, summarizes the conference presentations, incorporates the comments made by many of the participants, and outlines some topics needing further research.

ANSI Standard on motor vehicle fleet safety
NIOSH was actively involved in the development of a new voluntary standard for preventing motor vehicle crashes. The standard (ANSI Z15 Standard: Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations External link: delineates minimum requirements for workplace traffic safety programs, and was designed for use by any organization whose employees drive on the job.

Crash scene involving a bus and two parked tractor-trailers Fact Sheet: Older Drivers in the Workplace: Crash Prevention for Employers and Workers
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-159
en español
Safety recommendations for older drivers and their employers.

Crash  photo showing emergency  vehicle after crash.Fact Sheet: Work-Related Roadway Crashes: Prevention Strategies for Employers
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004-136
en español
Recommendations for employers on crash prevention and vehicle safety programs.

CDC Health Topic: Motor Vehicle-Related Injuries

Motor Vehicle-Related Incidents: The Leading Cause of Occupational Fatalities in the United States

Motor vehicle-related incidents are consistently the leading cause of work-related fatalities in the United States. Of approximately 5,700 fatalities annually reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 35% are associated with motor vehicles. Between 2001-2005, on average:

  • 1394 workers died each year from crashes on public highways
  • 335 workers died each year in crashes that occurred off the highway or on industrial premises.
  • 369 pedestrian workers died each year as a result of being struck by a motor vehicle.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
this document in PDF 124 KB (17 pages)
External link:

The risk of roadway crashes associated with on-the-job operation of motor vehicles affects millions of U.S. workers. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that in 2006, nearly 3.9 million workers in the U.S. were classified as motor vehicle operators. Over 40% (1.6 million) of these motor vehicle operators were employed as heavy truck (including tractor-trailer) drivers. Other workers who use motor vehicles in performing their jobs are spread across numerous other occupations. These include workers who operate vehicles owned or leased by their employer, and those who drive personal vehicles for work purposes.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
External link:

General Information – Crash Statistics and Prevention Strategies

Comparison of fatalities from work related motor vehicle traffic accidents in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States
External link:
Inj Prev (2005 Oct; 11(5):294-299)
This analysis compares the extent and characteristics of motor vehicle traffic incidents on public roads resulting in fatal occupational injuries in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

A comparison of crash patterns in heavy trucks with and without collision warning system technology
SAE 2004 Transactions Journal of Commercial Vehicles (2005 Jul; 113(2):360-365)

Fact Sheet: Work-Related Roadway Crashes: Who’s at Risk?
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004-137
en español
A quick reference for statistics on fatal work-related crashes in the U.S.

NIOSH Hazard Review: Work-Related Roadway Crashes: Challenges and Opportunities for Prevention
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-119
A comprehensive review of safety issues for workers who operate motor vehicles on the job. Identifies groups of workers at greatest risk for traffic crashes, summarizes key issues that contribute to work-related roadway crashes, and recommends preventive measures for employers and other stakeholders.

Work-Related Roadway Crashes - United States, 1992-2002
MMWR 2004: 53(12): 260-264
Data on occupational crashes from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries and the Fatality Analysis Reporting System. Includes information on key components of a workplace vehicle safety program, and a discussion of the public health impact of occupational crashes.

NIOSH Alert: Preventing Deaths, Injuries, and Illnesses of Young Workers
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-128
en español
Provides case reports and examples of risks young workers may face while on the job and recommendations for prevention. Includes information on transportation-related injuries to young workers and child labor laws that cover workplace driving.

NIOSH Alert: Preventing Worker Injuries and Deaths from Traffic-Related Motor Vehicle Crashes
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 98-142
en español
Examines traffic-related motor vehicle crashes that resulted in the death of a person who was at work when the incident occurred. Provides a brief review of Federal regulations that cover vehicle operation in the workplace, and offers recommendations to employers for prevention of work-related motor vehicle crashes.

In-house Motor Vehicle Fatality Investigation Reports (conducted under the FACE Program)
State-based Motor Vehicle Fatality Investigation Reports (conducted under the FACE Program)
Through the Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program, NIOSH conducts on-site investigations of occupational fatalities, including those related to motor vehicles, and supports similar efforts by State partners. NIOSH personnel also evaluate vehicle-related fatalities of fire fighters through the Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program.

Vehicle Safety for Fire Fighters and Emergency Responders

A review of recent accidents involving explosives transport
Mainiero-RJ; Rowland III-JH
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique

MMWR Article: Ambulance Crash-Related Injuries Among Emergency Medical Services Workers – United States, 1991-2002.
this document in PDF 206 KB (20 pages)
MMWR 2003: 52(8): 154-156
EMS workers are most at risk when transporting patients, or responding to or returning from emergency calls. This report highlights the risk of death or serious injury for EMS workers riding in ambulances.

Your Safety First: Railroad Crossing Safety for Emergency Responders
this document in PDF 727 KB (4 pages)
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-121
Reports fatalities of emergency responders struck and killed by trains at railroad grade crossings. Discusses safe driving at rail crossings, awareness of signs and warning devices, and how to react if a vehicle stalls on the tracks. Developed by NIOSH in cooperation with the Federal Railroad Administration and Operation Lifesaver, Inc.

Hazard ID: Fire Fighter Deaths from Tanker Truck Rollovers
this document in PDF 103 KB (3 pages) 
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2002-111
en español
Offers safety recommendations to increase awareness of this hazard among the fire service, focusing on the need for fire departments to train drivers about the operating characteristics of tanker trucks and to ensure that tankers are properly designed and equipped.

Hazard ID: Traffic Hazards to Fire Fighters While Working Along Roadways
this document in PDF 100 KB (3 pages)
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2001-143
en español
Provides case studies and recommendations, emphasizing the importance of pre-incident planning, standard operating procedures, and training to protect responder safety at incident sites.


NIOSHTIC-2 search results on Motor Vehicle Safety and Transportation Workers
NIOSHTIC-2 is a searchable bibliographic database of occupational safety and health publications, documents, grant reports, and journal articles supported in whole or in part by NIOSH.

Research in Progress at NIOSH

Ambulance Crash Survivability Improvement
This study will advance the prevention of work-related vehicle crash injuries to EMS patient compartment workers through the use of mobile restraint systems and redesigned patient compartment layout.

Project contact: Paul Moore
Division of Safety Research
(304) 285-5894
Project period: 2004-2007

Evaluating Roadway Construction Work Zone Interventions
This study is identifying and testing two safety measures designed to protect workers on foot on highway work zone construction sites: proximity warning devices and internal traffic control plans. Using a case-control study design, NIOSH researchers are comparing worker exposure to being struck by vehicles or mobile equipment on active paving sites with and without these safety measures in place.

Project contact: David Fosbroke
Division of Safety Research
(304) 285-5894
Project period: 2001-2007

Mortality Among Independent Owner-Operator Truck Drivers
Research suggests truck drivers may experience excess mortality from certain illnesses. NIOSH will calculate standardized mortality ratios, which will allow comparison of truck drivers’ death rates from specific causes to those of the general population.

Project contact: Toni Alterman, Ph.D.
Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations, and Field Studies
(513) 841-4428
Project period: 2004-2008

NIOSH Truck Driver Anthropometric and Workspace Survey
This survey project will establish an anthropometric and workspace database for U.S. truck drivers. These data are urgently needed, as anthropometric data for truck drivers have not been updated for a quarter century. The database will be used to upgrade and develop standards for designing ergonomically efficient truck cabs. Ergonomic cabs will help enhance safe operation, increase post-crash survivability, and reduce truck drivers’ exposure to non-fatal injuries, such as sprains and strains, falls, and contusions.

Project contact: Jinhua Guan, Ph.D.
Division of Safety Research
(304) 285-5894
Project period: 2007-2010

Risk Factors for Vehicle Crashes Among Public Employees
This project uses two study populations to assess crash factors among public employees: state department of transportation (DOT) employees and active duty U.S. military personnel. For the first component, NIOSH will disseminate recommendations to state DOTs for a minimum crash data set and for improvements in data collection and management. The second component is a collaboration with researchers in the U.S. Department of Defense to analyze existing medical and pharmacy data to determine the role, if any, of prescription drugs in fatal crashes; and to develop future joint research projects.

Project contact: Stephanie Pratt
Division of Safety Research
(304) 285-5894
Project period: 2004-2007

Survey of Truck Driver Injury and Health
This collaboration between four NIOSH divisions and numerous partners in a national survey of long-haul truck drivers at truck stops and other venues as appropriate. Truck drivers will be asked to complete a “core” questionnaire that will collect basic information on demographics, employment history, health, lifestyle, and injury. Supplementary modules will collect more detailed information on health and wellness, occupational injuries, fatigue, and sleep disorders.

Project contract: Karl Sieber, Ph.D.
Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations, and Field Studies
(513) 841-4428
Project period: 2007-2010

Work Organization Influence on Fatigue in Truck Drivers
This study will examine the influence of organizational and industry factors (such as scheduling practices, economic pressure, competition, and types of freight), on fatigue and safety in commercial truck drivers.

Project contact: Edward M. (Ted) Hitchcock, Ph.D.
Division of Applied Research and Technology
(513) 533-8462
Project period: 2004-2008

Other Research Funded by NIOSH

Development of Guidelines and Assessment Tools for Truck Ingress/Egress
This project will develop procedures to evaluate anthropometric and biomechanical considerations related to risk of slipping or falling while entering or exiting a truck. The assessment procedures will be developed based on studying truck drivers in truck ingress/egress for use with digital human modeling software to characterize human factors evaluations of truck cabs. The research will yield scores that can be used to rank alternative systems. The design guidelines will be based on application of the new assessment procedure so that they specify system-level as well as component-level requirements. The outcomes of this research will be applied to improving truck design.

Project contact: Matthew Reed
University of Michigan
Project period: 2007-2010

Preventing Work Injuries and Chronic Illnesses in Truckers
The aims of this study are to: 1) identify injury risk factors and the prevalence of health problems among truck drivers; 2) to compare driver medical examination results with other health indicators; and 3) to develop and pilot test a health promotion and weight reduction program for truckers. Expected project outcomes are: 1) identification of risk factors for motor vehicle crashes and injuries, emphasizing the factors that shorten truck drivers’ careers; 2) recommendations to change the Commercial Driver Medical Examination; and 3) determination of drivers’ potential acceptance of a weight reduction program.

Project contact: Kurt Hegmann
University of Utah
Project period: 2007-2010

Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Commercial Drivers
Obesity, male gender, and middle age, the typical demographic features of the commercial driver, are also the three strongest risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea. Morbidity from this condition is substantial, and includes hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, insulin resistance, and fall-asleep crashes. The purposes of this project are to: 1) Evaluate how well self-assembled technologies used in the home setting identify sleep apnea in commercial drivers; 2) Determine whether an occupational screening evaluation can be combined with home diagnostic technologies to reduce the number of patients that need testing; and 3) Determine the relative economic costs of these screening strategies.

Project contact: Indira Gurubhagavatula
University of Pennsylvania
Project period: 2007-2010

Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance
This project includes a component for surveillance of work-related motor vehicle crashes in the state of Kentucky. Investigators will link data from several sources to examine fatal and non-fatal occupational motor vehicle collisions: hospital discharges, workers’ compensation claims, the Collision Report Analysis for Safer Highways system, emergency departments, and trauma registries.

Project contact: Michael Auslander
Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services
(502) 564-3418
Project period: 2005-2008

Washington Occupational Surveillance Program
This project includes a large component for surveillance of occupational injury and illness in the trucking industry in the state of Washington. Specific aims include: (1) establish a trucking advisory group; (2) publish baseline measures of injuries, trends and costs; (3) implement a surveillance system focusing on non-traumatic musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremity and low back, fall injuries, 'struck by' injuries, lower extremity musculoskeletal disorders, motor vehicle crash injuries, and 'caught in' injuries; (4) develop and implement case and employer follow up protocols; (5) conduct industry-wide surveys of employers and employees; and (6) identify opportunities for interventions to reduce hazards and injuries within trucking.

Project contact: David Bonauto
Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
Project period: 2005-2010

Effects of Extended Work Hours on Intern Health and Safety
This study looks at the association between extended workdays/long work weeks for medical interns and increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, falling asleep at the wheel, falling asleep while working, and reduction in quality of life. A questionnaire will be administered to physicians and dentists in their first post-graduate year to assess the association of injuries and illnesses with extended workdays and long work weeks. In addition, investigators will evaluate the efficacy of providing 10 hours of protected time for sleep in improving alertness and performance and reducing the safety hazards associated with 36-hour on-call shifts.

Project contact: Charles Czeisler
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
(617) 732-4013
Project period: 2001-2005

Search for extramural Federally-funded studies on motor vehicle safety:

Browse NIOSH Extramural Research Awards in Fiscal Year 2003 - New and Continuing Grants and Cooperative Agreements
this document in PDF
 832 KB (247 pages)

Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (CRISP) is a searchable database of federally funded biomedical research projects conducted at universities, hospitals, and other research institutions. The CRISP database covers research projects funded from fiscal year 1972 to the present.
External link:

More information may also be found at the NIOSH Office of Extramural Programs Web site.

Worker Safety in Highway Work Zones

Building Safer Highway Work Zones: Measures to Prevent Worker Injuries from Vehicles and Equipment
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2001-128
Best practices for preventing worker injuries and fatalities in highway work zones due to motor vehicles and construction equipment. Includes one-page case studies suitable for use in toolbox safety talks or safety management classes. Represents a collaborative effort between NIOSH and work zone safety stakeholders.

Press Releases

Global Road Safety Week 2007
External link:
April 23-29, 2007 marked the first United Nations Global Road Safety Week.

NIOSH Update: Medical Interns’ Risk for Car Crashes Linked With Extended Shifts in NIOSH-Funded Study - January 13, 2005

NIOSH Update: Requiring Safety Belt Use is Key Employer Policy for Preventing Job Vehicle Deaths, NIOSH Says - September 14, 2004

NIOSH Update: NIOSH Recommends Ways to Prevent Fatalities from Work-Related Roadway Crashes - April 7, 2004

World Health Organization: World Health Day 2004: Road Safety
External link:

Pan-American Health Organization: World Health Day 2004: Road Safety Is No Accident
External link:

NIOSH, OSHA, Roadway Work Zone Safety and Health Coalition Ally to Improve Roadway Work Zone Safety — November 26, 2003

Ways to Prevent Job-Related Roadway Deaths, Critical Research Areas Identified by NIOSH — November 6, 2003

NIOSH Report Highlights Motor Vehicle Crash Risk for Workers, Recommends Practical Preventive Measures — July 27, 1998

Related U.S. Government Web Sites

Bureau of Labor Statistics: Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities page
External link:
Data on fatal and nonfatal injuries at work from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, the annual Survey of Occupational Injury and Illness, and other Department of Labor programs.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics
External link:
Comprehensive U.S. transportation statistics for all modes of transportation.

Federal Highway Administration
External link:
Information on the U.S. highway infrastructure, safety initiatives, regulations, environmental stewardship, and congestion mitigation.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
External link:
Information on regulatory and voluntary programs for reducing injuries, fatalities, and crashes associated with large trucks and buses.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
External link:
Safety regulations for operation of large trucks and buses in interstate commerce in the U.S. See parts 301 to 399.

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
External link:
Minimum safety standards that apply to all motor vehicles manufactured for sale or use in the U.S.

Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
External link:
Federal regulations for operation and set-up of temporary traffic control zones, including highway work zones and emergency situations.

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Research and information on injury risks that affect the general population, including motor vehicle crashes.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
External link:
Information on vehicle testing and standards, occupant restraints, impaired and drowsy driving, and national crash statistics.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Motor Vehicle Safety Page
External link:
Information on safety standards, vehicle-related hazards, and partnerships to reduce workplace crashes.

United States Department of State: Road Safety Overseas
External link:
Provides links to country-specific road safety programs and reports. It also provides tips for safe motor travel overseas.

United States Fire Administration
External link:
Includes information on vehicle safety for emergency responders.

University Transportation Centers Program
External link:
A group of universities dedicated to transportation research through innovating safe, efficient, and environmentally sound technologies.

Other Related Web Sites

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
External link:
Research results and educational materials to promote traffic safety.

American Society of Safety Engineers
External link:
Offers resources and opportunities for safety professionals through its Transportation Practice Specialty.

Association for Safe International Road Travel
External link:
Provides road travel reports for 150 countries, enabling business travelers to make informed travel decisions. Provides a list of road safety concerns in many countries and some best practices implemented in some of those countries.

Health and Safety Executive (UK)
External link:
Offers facts and recommendations on work related road safety. Provides several case studies useful for the review or development of occupational road safety policy and procedure.

Department for Transport (UK)
External link:
Provides information about reducing work related road accidents including driver hours.

Governors Highway Safety Association
External link:
Provides information on state laws covering cell phone use, construction zones, and seat belts.

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
External link:
Vehicle crash test results and a wide variety of educational materials on traffic safety. Offers useful state-by-state comparisons of traffic safety laws.

National Conference of State Legislatures (Transportation page)
External link:
Offers summaries of legislative action on issues such as traffic safety, commercial vehicles, hazardous materials, and cell phones.

National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse
External link:
Information for government, industry, and the public to promote the safe and effective operation of highway work zones.

Network of Employers for Traffic Safety
External link:
Traffic safety information from a public-private partnership dedicated to reducing traffic-related deaths and injuries in the nation's workforce through safety policies, workplace educational programs, safety campaigns, and corporate community activities.

Occupational Road Safety Alliance (UK)
External link:
A British alliance dedicated to raising awareness of occupational road safety and providing resources to employers.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (UK) (“Managing Occupational Road Risk” page)
External link:
A British non-profit organization that offers resources to help businesses promote safe driving at work.

Share the Road Safely
External link:
Guidance for motorists on sharing the road safely with large trucks.

Texas Transportation Institute (Texas A & M University)
External link:
Research results from a research center engaged in research, development, and technology transfer related to all transportation modes.

Traffic Injury Research Foundation (Canada)
External link:
The mission of the TIRF is to reduce traffic related deaths and injuries, by designing, promoting and implementing effective programs and policies, based on sound research.

Transportation Research Board (TRB)
External link:
Information from the arm of the National Research Council that engages government, industry, and academia in promoting research, policy studies, and information-sharing. TRB’s mission encompasses all aspects and modes of transportation.

University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)
External link:
Research results from an interdisciplinary center with expertise in large-truck safety, human factors, engineering, public policy, and data collection and analysis.

University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center
External link:
Research results from an interdisciplinary research center that places special emphasis on alcohol studies, novice drivers and graduated licensing, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and highway safety information systems.

Upcoming Conferences and Events

Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XVIII
Whistler, British Columbia June 8–11, 2008
XVIIIth World Congress on Safety and Health at Work

South Korea

June 29 – July 2, 2008
2008 Traffic Records Forum
Orlando, Florida, USA July 27 – 31, 2008
52nd AAAM Annual Scientific Conference [Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine]
San Diego, California, USA October 5 – 8, 2008
52nd Stapp Car Crash Conference®
San Antonio, Texas, USA November 3 – 5, 2008
Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting
Washington, DC, USA January 11 – 15, 2009
International Traffic Medicine Association World Congress

The Hague,
The Netherlands

April 26 – 29, 2009
Driving Assessment 2009
Big Sky, Montana
June 22 – 27, 2009
Page last updated: September 19, 2008
Page last reviewed: April 24, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Motor Vehicle Safety

Motor Vehicle Safety photo showing truck rollover crash.

Topic Index:

Motor Vehicles
Motor Vehicle Fatality Investigation Reports
In-house Reports
State-based Reports

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Related Resources:

Traumatic Occupational Injuries

Highway Work Zones

NIOSH Programs

Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities

Global Collaborations in Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities