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University of Nebraska

Grant Title: MMI Interdisciplinary Program

View University of Nebraska Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Cynthia  Ellis, MD
Munroe-Meyer Institute Developmental Medicine
985380 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198
(402) 559-4097
Email: cellis@unmc.edu


In collaboration with the Nebraska Title V program, our project can provide a unique and extensive regional service and training role, including leadership training for students, assessments, clinics, consultation, technical assistance, continuing education, training, and resource development.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: Interdisciplinary Leadership Education for 7 MCH-funded long-term trainees and over 100 Graduate-Level Trainees per year Objective 1: Participation in didactic interdisciplinary educational experiences for all long-term trainees to prepare them for MCH related leadership roles Objective 2: Demonstration of proficient, culturally-competent, family-centered, interdisciplinary clinical skills and the application a variety of methods of effective partnering with other health care providers by all long-term trainees Objective 3: Understanding and demonstration of leadership skills by all long-term trainees Goal 2: Continuing Education and Development for Practicing Professionals Objective 1: Development of 1 continuing education program each year for up to 150 professionals in the area of neurodevelopmental and/or related disabilities Objective 2: Use web based technologies to webcast continuing education activities which will be open to the LEND, MCH/Title V and UCEDD networks Goal 3: Technical Assistance/Consultation and Collaboration with State Title V/MCH Agencies and Other Related Programs Objective 1: Continued collaboration and coordination with other MCH funded programs for integration of systems, data sharing, and joint planning Objective 2: Continued participation in the Upper Midwestern LEND Consortium Objective 3: Continued collaboration with State Title V Agencies, State MCH leaders, and program directors to provide ongoing clinical services and other services for persons with disabilities in Nebraska Goal 4: Development and Dissemination of Educational Resources by LEND faculty Objective 1: Development of at least 1 new major product each year for dissemination supporting LEND and MCH related interests Objective 2: Dissemination of relevant research findings regionally and nationally to professionals and the public


This project consists of an Interdisciplinary Leadership Education program involving a diverse LEND faculty, specific training goals, and a range of types and levels of training. We utilize a curriculum designed to direct and sequence the progression of the core curriculum and the individualized study plan. This program supports students through a combination of dynamic interactive interdisciplinary orientation, didactic hours and practicum work. The Continuing Education and Development activities of the LEND project includes both disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses and programs specifically designed to meet the needs of professionals serving children and youth with neurodevelopmental disorders as well as children with special health care needs, developmental disabilities and other chronic disabilities. We plan to extend the influence of our training program by continuing and expanding our strategic alliances and partnerships with Title V/MCH agencies and related programs within Nebraska and nearby states. Our faculty will provide ongoing consultation and technical assistance while providing an opportunity for trainees to participate and interact with MCH personnel and other public health professionals. We plan the development and dissemination of educational products for teaching in neurodevelopmental disabilities. We will utilize a variety of methods and technologies to present new research findings and developments in the relevant MCH related fields.


Our project collaborates with the Department of Health and Human Services for assurance of services for CHSN. Formal joint projects with HHSS include a State-wide network providing 30 different interdisciplinary clinics in Omaha and across Nebraska, technical assistance, case coordination, and outreach training across Nebraska and the western two-thirds of South Dakota. MMI, HHSS and the Nebraska Department of Education also implemented a State-wide telehealth network for CSHCN.


We conduct both outcome evaluation and a formative evaluation that determine the extent that project objectives were implemented and utilized. This information is used to help refine the interdisciplinary training and continuing education programs. The Co-Directors and the LEND faculty are responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of the evaluation plan. The annual summary report is developed and reviewed for the purpose of identifying strategies to improve the program.

Experience to Date:

The MMI Interdisciplinary Training Program has been in place for over 30 years. LEND faculty currently represent 17 disciplines, including 1 family member faculty. LEND faculty have been very active in the training, continuing education, technical assistance/collaboration and product development activities of our LEND Program. During the current reporting period (July 1, 2005 – April 30, 2006), MMI has enrolled 13 undergraduate students, 18 masters level students, 119 doctoral students, and 45 post-doctoral trainees for a total of 195 trainees. Of these, 46 are long-term trainees who have received a total of 50,221 hours of training during this reporting period. We have 10 MCH-funded LEND trainees who participate in our interdisciplinary leadership curriculum. They have logged 10,867 hours of didactic and clinical training in the first ten months of this training year. We have presented 118 continuing education activities with MCH-related topics with over 600 hours of continuing education training. Our LEND faculty are engaged in over 200 collaborative activities with MCH-related agencies and maintain an ongoing working relationship our state Title V and MCH colleagues. We are the major providers of clinical and other services for persons with disabilities in Nebraska. We participated in 2 major training activities of the Upper Midwest LEND Consortium: the First Annual Faculty/Student meeting in Omaha, NE on Oct 9-10, 2005 and a Videocast Seminar on March 31, 2006.