This site is intended to help health and school
professionals understand the Social Security disability determination
process and the important role of timely and complete medical evidence,
school records, and other information in the evaluation of Social Security
disability claims.
Learn how:
- Disability claims are evaluated using the medical
listings, evidentiary requirements, and Listing of Impairments for each
major body system. A brief description of the two disability programs
the Social Security Administration administers and how disability is
defined is also provided;
- The Disability Determination Services (DDS)
request consultative examinations (CEs); what they look for in reviewing
CEs; and the essential elements of CE reports for specialties most often
involved in CEs for adult and pediatric disability cases;
- To locate Professional
Relations Officers who can answer your questions about Social
Security disability and tell you about work opportunities with the disability
determination services in your area;
- To obtain disability-related publications written
for health and school professionals.
Electronic Records Express is an initiative by Social Security and state Disability Determination Services (DDS) to offer electronic options for submitting records related to disability claims. If you have received a request for records about a disability claim, you can choose the method of sending the information that works best for you – online to Social Security’s secure website or by fax to your state DDS or to Social Security. The records you send are automatically associated with the applicant’s unique disability claim folder.
Go to the Electronic Records Express website to learn more. |