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P. O. Box 944202
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Strategic Plan

The 2003-2008 Strategic Plan is an update of the DDS prior five-year Strategic Plan (2001-2006). It reaffirms the mission, vision and values for DDS and continues to emphasize service availability, quality, information and accountability. Some adjustments have been made to acknowledge changes that have occurred since 2001, but the fundamental course for our system remains steady.

Clearly the most significant challenge that faces us is how to continue progress toward our goals in an era of dwindling resources. Our success will depend upon the dedication and collaboration of all who desire to secure a better future for California's citizens with developmental disabilities and their families. This plan provides a framework for moving toward this future and calls upon the creativity, concern, talent and sustained efforts of all.

Strategic Plan 2003-2008 (PDF)

Last Updated: 10/23/2007