Oort, A. H., 1983: Global Atmospheric Circulation Statistics, 1958-1973, Rockville, MD: NOAA Professional Paper 14, 180 pp.

Abstract: An extensive description of the three-dimensional, global structure of the general circulation of the atmosphere is presented in the form of a large number of global maps, cross sections, meridional profiles and hemispheric integrals. The parameters analyzed include the horizontal wind components, temperature, geopotential height and specific humidity, as well as their variances and covariances at 11 levels between the Earth's surface and the 50- mb level. The basic analyses were performed for each month of the 180-month period, May 1958 through April 1973, covering only the Northern Hemisphere during the first five years, but the entire globe during the last ten years.
A full description is given of the 1963-1973 mean climate conditions, while, for selected parameters, year-to-year variations are shown during the entire 15-year period. The basic results are presented on 47 microfiches (each containing 170 frames) inserted in envelopes at the end of the publication. This unique presentation makes it possible to provide a wealth of information in an easily accessible form. A selection of the most important horizontal maps and zonal-mean cross sections for the mean December-February and June- August seasons is given in Appendix A.
Following a description of the data sources, data distributions, data reduction and analyses procedures used, important questions of reliability and representativeness of the final statistics are addressed through extensive comparisons with earlier results. The final chapter highlights some of the possible applications of the statistics, such as interhemispheric comparisons, global energy, water and angular momentum budget calculations, and the determination of global climate trends.