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In answer to your question about generating schedules

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TVA River Neighbors
April 2006


In answer to your question about generating schedules

image of fishingWhy can’t you generate at night so we can fish below the dam during the day?

Randy Kerr, Manager of River Forecasting at TVA, hears this question a lot. The answer, he says, has to do with your power bill:

“We are committed to getting the most from the Valley’s water resources, including hydropower generation. Hydro is a valuable asset because it is emission-free. Plus, it’s our lowest-cost energy source, so we try to use it when power demand is high.

“Although the amount of electricity generated is the same whether the water is released in the daytime or nighttime, the value of the generation varies greatly. In the summer, it isn’t unusual for hydro generation to be worth several times the value during the peak load hours, which occur during the hottest part of the day, as compared to low load hours at night. If we were to shift hydro generation to the nighttime, we would need to purchase electricity on the open market or use other, more costly sources of energy, such as combustion turbines, to meet peaks in demand during the day. That would affect electric rates.”

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