Federal Trade Commission, v. Inspired Ventures, Inc., a Florida Corporation; I.V.I. Management Corp., a Florida Corporation; Source Systems, Inc., a Florida Corporation; Jesse Alper, Individually and as an Officer or Director; and Victor Alper, Individually and as an Officer or Director, Defendants
(United States District Court Southern District of Florida Miami Division)

FTC Matter No. X020067
Case No. 02-21760-CIV-Jordan

March 3, 2004

  • Stipulated Final Judgment and Order for Permanent Injunction and Other Equitable Relief as to Defendants Inspired Ventures, Inc., I.V.I. Management Corp., Source Systems, Inc., and Victor Alper
  • Stipulated Final Judgment and Order for Permanent Injunction and Other Equitable Relief as to Defendant Jesse Alper
  • News Release

June 20, 2002


Last Modified: Tuesday, 05-Aug-2008 09:29:00 EDT