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This page has moved! The real time information website from KA'IMIMOANA is now maintained by the National Data Buoy Center:

Did you know?...Data collected from the TAO moorings were used to predict the 1997 and 2002 El Ninos.
Primary Scientific Mission is the maintenance of the TAO buoy array. More..

image of scientists with CTD
Scientists prepare CTD for a cast

Collaborative Projects The regular schedule required for maintaining the TAO buoys offers a unique opportunity for cooperative and collaborative work in remote areas of the Pacific. More..
Teacher at Sea Program Are you a teacher who is interested in Oceanographic research? More...
NOAA Education Resources This site has been designed to help students, teachers, librarians and the general public access the many educationaly activies, publications and booklets that have been produced. More..
NOVA tracks El Nino from KA'IMIMOANA. More...

TAO Project Office
| Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
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