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Mail Service Overview

On April 26, 2008, MCS, CELS, and ALCF moved to a new mail service. The old mail server,, was retired, and we moved to the laboratory's Zimbra server. The MCS Systems Group played a large part in the formation of this service, and the MCS division was by far the largest user during the pilot stage. Going forward, this service will continue to be jointly managed by CIS and the MCS Systems team.

Positives about the upgrade

Rather than give a laundry list of benefits, it can be summed up nicely in a few sentences. We get a scalable production service providing tremendous speed and reliability improvements over our antiquated server with a lower administrative burden. We get modern mail client support, such as IMAP IDLE support, and an integrated collaboration suite that includes Calendars, Document sharing, and file repository sharing. Pocket PC and Palm-based mobile devices can sync with this service wirelessly, with Blackberry and iPhone integration on the horizon. We get a solid and modern webmail interface as well.

The cost to MCS to use this service is only in the time of our administrators' time. CIS is providing this as a labwide service, and the MCS Systems team is highly confident in both the service and CIS's ability to deliver it.


In keeping with DOE, Laboratory, and MCS cybersecurity policy, cleartext passwords are not allowed. Any mail client that does not support SSL or TLS based POP or IMAP service cannot talk to this server. This means MH-based mail readers will not work without some sort of help, since none of them have been developed in some time. If you still wish to use an MH-based mail reader, a combination using fetchmail will probably be required, but please note this is unsupported by us. You can find info at the nmh home page.

The new Zimbra server offers server-side mail filtering based on Sieve. Procmail is no longer supported as a method of server-side mail handling. The only supported interface into these filters/rules at this point is via the web interface at If you have a need for mail processing beyond what sieve can offer, please make a request to and we'll find a way to accomplish what you need.

Status of old mail

The old mail server stopped accepting mail on the morning of April 26th, 2008, at which point all mail coming through MCS's e-mail gateways began being directed to the new mail server at We attempted to migrate all existing mail on the old server to the new server, but some accounts seem to only have a partial migration. Please see the important note below.

Updated Info, April 30, 2008

Please see this page detailing why all your mail isn't in one place and how you can make it so.

Getting an Account

Access to Zimbra in CELS is accomplished via the Accounts Pages. The Zimbra (E-mail/Calendar) resource is the one you'll need, though you won't be able to use it until you have an Argonne domain account.

Reading your mail

You can read your mail using any mail reader that supports SSL/TLS based POP/IMAP connections. IMAP is the recommended protocol.

You can also read your mail from a web browser by visiting

Your login name is your email username followed by "-mcs".

  • For example, would use "raffenet-mcs" to login to Zimbra.

Your password is your Argonne domain password.

For those who know how to configure a mail client, here's the information you need:

Protocol Port server
IMAPs (incoming) 993
POPs (incoming) 995
SMTP (outgoing) 465 or 587

Otherwise, client-specific instructions are below. Clients denoted with * are recommended by MCS Systems.

NOTE: Your results will be better if you add a new account, rather than edit the existing one.

Configuring your mail reader

Other changes from the old service

  • Organization: On the old mail server, all mailboxes were under your Inbox, with periods as the delimiter. So, for example, you'd have mailboxes named something like INBOX.Archive.2007.May. The new mail server, however, does not require mailboxes be sub-mailboxes of Inbox, and uses the more traditional / as the delimiter. So, using the previous example, the May subfolder would be inside the 2007 folder, inside the Archive folder which is at the top level along with Inbox.
  • Filtering: Instead of using procmail files, you set up server-side filters on the server via the web interface. Full instructions are below.

Customizing your account

For all of these customizations, you'll need to use the web interface at

All of these are set in the Preferences screen:

Set an Out of Office Message

  • Using the instructions above, login to the Preferences page.
  • Choose the Mail tab.
  • In the Receiving Messages section, check the Send Autoreply checkbox and fill in your message. You can also schedule when that is in effect.

When you're done with the Out of Office message, simply follow the above instructions, except uncheck the box in the last step.

Filtering mail

  • Using the instructions above, login to the Preferences page.
  • Select the Mail Filters tab.
  • Adding new rules is very straightforward, and there's online help built-in to the system.

Forwarding mail

If you simply want to forward all mail to another address, you can accomplish this from the Mail tab in Preferences. In the Receiving Mail section of that page, enter the address to which you want your mail forwarded in the appropriate box, and either check or uncheck the local copy tab based on your preferences.

Mail questions

I just got an attachment. Should I open it?

Most likely, no. We have a golden rule here dealing with attachments, and it is vitally important that you follow these instructions. Here's the mantra you should memorize and repeat when you get an attachment:

Never open an attachment unless you know what it is, and you are expecting it.

This is very important. It really doesn't matter who it's from. Most, if not all, malicious mail with virii, worms and trojans are never from who they claim to be from. The address is almost always forged. So just because someone down the hall, or your boss, or your spouse, or anyone sends you an attachment, it does not mean it's safe. Always ask yourself: "Do I know what this is? Do I know what will happen when I open it? Did I expect this to arrive?" If any one of the answers is "no", then you'd best confirm with the sender before opening.

It simply takes a quick email saying "Did you send me this? What is it?" to the original sender to confirm you should have it. If it's from someone you don't know, we strongly recommend not opening it if you can avoid it, even if the sender confirms sending it. It could be a trojan. Make sure you have a valid reason for opening it.

Never open a file that ends with .exe, .scr, .pif, .cmd, .vbs, or .bat. It's never good. Anything else, treat with much skepticism.

Keep your antivirus scanner up to date. If you're using an MCS desktop computer, make sure you have OfficeScan running. If you're using a laptop, PC-Cillin is available from Argonne's Trend Micro antivirus page (onsite only). These rules apply to any email account you use. If your machine uses our network, you are required to do your best to keep it from being infected. Offsite machines and laptops are licensed for PC-Cillin, so take advantage of it. And please, be careful of what you open.

Finally, if you suspect you are infected, let us know as soon as possible. If you want to forward a suspicious email to us, make sure you send us the full headers. In pine, you do this by pressing "H" while on the message, then "F" to forward. In Eudora, open the message by double-clicking it (do not click on the attachment), click the "blahblahblah" button near the top of the message, then forward it.

If you do open an attachment and nothing appears to happen, that's a very bad sign. Let us know right away.

We don't mean to harp on this, but it's necessary for us to do so. We have, in the past, rescued machines for people who have opened such attachments as "NakedWife.exe", "AnnaKournikova.vbs", etc. Common sense dictates this is not something you should open on a computer, especially one in a .gov address space. However, it's happened. So, please, be careful.

This entry primarily refers to windows, but handling attachments with caution regardless of operating system is always a good idea.


Where does my Spam go?

Right now, things that used to go into your "SPAM" folder, now go into a folder called Junk. In the web interface, it appears between Trash and Drafts. Messages in Junk are purged after 30 days.

If you wish to "train" the filters better, you must do it through the web interface. On any message, you can click the "Junk" or "Not Junk" button in the web interface, or you can move the message into or out of the Junk folder. Moving messages or tagging then as Junk/Not Junk via your mail client will not train the filters.

Using Zimbra's Calendar features

This documentation is specific to the CELS users of Zimbra. More generic documentation can be found at Argonne's Zimbra Wiki (internal website only). Please don't print out this page -- it is updated frequently as new tips are suggested.

Important Notes and Tips

This section will contain pointers to new information and helpful tips.

As of the Zimbrea 5.0.6 Upgrade, there is a new behavior in how calendar appoints are displayed. Specifically, if an "All Day" appointment is marked as "free" instead of "busy", it will be displayed as a transparent or ghosted appointment. All Day appointments marked as "busy" will show up as normal. This only affects the web client view.--Stace 10:28, 24 June 2008 (CDT)

Avoid the All Day option

When booking time on a conference calendar, avoid using the all day option. It's confusing when trying to find free time on the calendar.

Also, when you're looking for free time, try to remember to look in the top section for all day appointments, in case the person booking it forgot to follow the above advice, or it was booked a while ago before we knew to avoid this.

Conference Room Schedules

Viewing conference room calendars

To view a particular calendar for a conference room:

  • Right-click the word "Calendars" above your Calendar list and select Link to shared calendar.
  • Enter the resource as name@domain. In the path box, type /Calendar. In the name box, choose something short and simple, such as the room number (e.g. 221-a216).

Available locations:

  • Building 203 (MCS)
  • Building 221 (MCS)
  • Building 360 (ALCF)

Note: This is a read-only view. You cannot and should not enter appointments from this view. Please use the method below for scheduling.

Enter as many of the above conference rooms as you like, but you can probably leave off those you don't regularly use or care about. It can help make views clearer if you try to make sure each calendar has its own color. At present, there are more rooms than there are colors, so this won't work if you need to view all calendars using this method. You can schedule events into any conference room, regardless of whether you add it here. After they're added, we recommend you uncheck them in the calendars list until you're actually viewing them. This will help avoid cluttering your calendar view.

Once these calendars are added, you have a variety of options for viewing availability.

Single room view

Simply click the checkbox next to the room you want to see. All bookings for the room will show up on your calendar view, in whatever view you're in at the time (Day, Work Week, Week, Month, etc.) If you have only a few of the rooms above in your list or they have their own colors, this method will work for viewing more than one.

Click the images below to see examples of how this will look.

Multiple room view

The above method works well for one or two rooms, but if you want to see many rooms at once, use the Schedule view. In the calendars list, ensure only the rooms you want to see are checked, then choose "Schedule" from the list of views at the top of the calendar. In the small calendar on the lower left side of the page, choose the day you're interested in. All of the rooms you're watching will have their schedules displayed side-by-side.

Schedule View.
Schedule View.
Scheduling an event

Schedule events via your personal calendar. If you don't want these events to show up in your main calendar, you can create a sub calendar to hold these. To create a new calendar, right-click the word "Calendars" above your Calendar list and select New Calendar. This calendar will then provide you with a view of any conference room bookings you create.

Note: When reserving room 221-A216 (AG Enabled) or 221-A261, please use the Notes field (large white space under "Resources") to lay out any special requests or configuration required for the room. Notification of bookings in these rooms will go to Judy Stickels, who will arrange for any requests in the Notes field.

To add an appointment to a conference room.

  • Open your calendar and create a new appointment. (If using the QuickAdd, click "More Details")
  • If you don't want the appointment to show up in your personal callendar, make sure the calendar you created above is selected in the Calendar field.
You can enter the location in one of three ways.
  • Simply enter the room number as Building-Room (e.g. 221-a216) and click the room as it appears in the list. Note that some rooms have (AG Enabled) in their name, which requires you type that as well if you want the room to be matched. The easiest way to accomplish this is by clicking the desired room when it shows up in the list. If multiple rooms are desired, separate them with a semicolon (;).
  • Click the Find Locations tab. Fill out the search field to find applicable rooms.
  • Click the Schedule Tab. Click the icon on the line underneath your name and select the icon that looks like a group of buildings. Enter the room number (e.g. 221-a261) and press enter. The schedule of availability will appear on the line.

Using any of the above methods will schedule the room. If you choose a time that is not available, the appointment will be rejected, and a notification will be sent to your Zimbra inbox.

Modifying or Canceling a Conference Room Reservation

The most important thing to remember in trying to modify a conference room reservation is that you cannot make the change directly to the room's calendar, but on the calendar you used to create it. For those following the instructions on this page, that would be in your main Calendar (named Calendar) or in the secondary calendar you created above.

To remove a single recurrence of a repeating event, choose the specific occurrence on your calendar and right-click. Select "Instance", then choose "Cancel". You'll be asked if you want to edit the cancellation message -- this is typically not necessary. A message will be sent to anyone listed in the attendee field, as well as the room itself, indicating the meeting will no longer happen on that instance. This will result in the reservation disappearing from that room's calendar, though you may not see it until you perform a refresh in Zimbra.

To cancel all occurrences of a repeating event, follow the above instructions, except choose "Series" instead of "Instance."

To make any changes to an appointment (single instance or entire series), follow the same instructions, but choose to Edit Properties instead. This includes changing the room, which will result in the original room being canceled (if it is removed) and new rooms being added, all automatically.

Travel & Vacation Calendar

MCS has a general Travel calendar to show the divisional travel schedules. Users who maintain their own calendars are advised to add their travel to this calendar as well.

Viewing the Travel/Vacation Calendar

To view the calendar, right-click the word "Calendars" in the upper right side of your Calendar screen and choose "Link to Shared Calendar". Enter as the Email field, /Calendar as the Path field, and MCS Travel Calendar as the Name. Choose a color at your discretion.


This calendar is also editable by anyone.

Adding events directly to the calendar

You can add events directly to the Travel Calendar. Click "New" and enter the details, except make sure "MCS Travel Calendar" is chosen in the Calendar box. Enter the traveler's name and the type (TVL or VAC, for example) as the Subject, the Location can be what you like. Enter something meaningful in the Notes section (below Resources) and it will show up in the calendar whenever someone hovers the mouse over the appointment. Pay careful attention to Calendar, All day event and, of course, the dates.


Adding events to the Travel/Vacation calendar as well as your own

If you're adding travel directly to your own calendar, or that of a person's calendar you manage, you should enter it directly onto that calendar. Then, in the Resources box, enter to have it also show up in the general travel calendar. Again, be sure to use the Traveler's name and either VAC or TVL in the Subject so others can tell who it's for.

Removing events from the Travel/Vacation Calendar

To remove an entry from the Travel Calendar, simply right-click and choose "Delete". Warning: Anyone can delete anyone's entry. This is by design, so pay attention to where you're clicking. After deleting the entry, click the Zimbra Refresh button (not the one on your web browser, but the one that appears next to the New button.

Reserving Equipment

You can view calendars for and reserve equipment in the same way you interact with conference rooms. The only change is the e-mail address. The current list of equipment available is:

  • MCS Wireless USB Modem:

Zimbra and iCal

If you're running Mac OS X Leopard (10.5), you have a new reliable method of syncing your calendars.

Note: If you use Apple's Mail (aka, the first thing you'll want to do is open Mail's preferences, and in the General tab set ""Add Invitations to iCal" to "Never".

Tiger (10.4) users will need to use the iSync Connector.

iPhone users note:
  • If you wish to sync any of your calendars with an iPhone, you'll need to ensure that none of the Calendars have a space in their name. Log into Zimbra and rename any calendars (even ones you have that are shared from someone else) such that there are no spaces in the names. Use CamelCase, hyphens or underscores.
  • Any events you add on your iPhone cannot go directly onto one of these calendars, as iTunes will only let you add to a "local" calendar. If you typically don't add appointments on your iPhone, this is probably not a big deal. If you do, it would be a good idea to designate a local calendar to be for the iPhone, then when you sync you can drag appointments to the right calendar.

We expect these issues to go away once iPhone 2.0 is released with ActiveSync support, in which case your phone can sync directly with the server without using the cradle.

Setting up iCal for CalDAV
  • If you have previously installed the Zimbra Sync Preference Pane, go into that and uncheck Calendar syncing. If you need Contacts syncing, you'll still need this connector, otherwise you can remove it.
  • Open iCal, and then open its Preferences (Command-,).
  • Go into the accounts tab.
  • Add a new account by clicking the plus sign (+) at the bottom of the left hand window.
  • Description is whatever you like (eg, "Zimbra")
  • Username is your zimbra login name
  • Password is your Argonne Domain Password.
  • Click the Server Options triangle, and in the URL enter:<username>@zimbra-domain/
If you're at all unsure what your full <username>@zimbra-domain is, simply login to Zimbra, click Preferences, then look at the Accounts tab. At present, almost all users in MCS, ALCF, and the CELS office are in, for example.

After this is done, all your calendars will show up in iCal. You can drag them into the order you like, uncheck the ones you don't want to see, change their colors, etc. Note: You'll get the alarms for all Calendars by default. You can either turn off all alarms in iCal (in Preferences, Advanced), or on each Calendar you don't want alarms for, right-click and choose "Get Info", then check "Ignore alarms".

Changes in iCal are uploaded to the server immediately. Changes on the server are refreshed in iCal on the schedule chosen in the Accounts tab, or on-demand by right-clicking the calendar and selecting "Refresh".

In order to add an appointment to a CalDAV Calendar, be sure it's the one highlighted in the calendar list on the left. If you try to add to a calendar to which you do not have write access, you will get an error. Deleting the appointment will fix that.

If you do not sync Contacts with Zimbra, you will need to make sure your "Me" card in your address book has your Zimbra address listed as one of the e-mail addresses, or else you may not be able to edit some appointments. Your zimbra address is typically <your anl username>, but the instructions above detail how to find out for sure.

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