National Institute for Literacy

Upcoming Discussion List Events

More information will be included as it becomes available for these upcoming discussions. Please come back and visit often.

Previous Events


Date Topic Discussion List
September 22 - 23 The Dyslexia Research Registry: Making the Difference in Reading Research! Learning Disabilities


Date Topic Discussion List
To be determined The Role of Professional Development in Literacy for Social Change Adult Literacy Professional Development
To be determined New Online Services for Adult Learners: Learner Web and USA Learns Special Topics

Upcoming Events

Topic Discussion List
Coming this Fall: GED and Accommodations Learning Disabilities
Coming this Fall: Research Findings Related to Adult Students' Independent Web Browsing Technology
Photonovellas in Heath and Literacy Education Health Literacy
Findings of the National Early Literacy Panel Family Literacy
Developing LD State Policy Learning Disabilities
VESL Program Assessment; Soft Skills; Integrated Vocational and Language Training Workplace

Month Held Topic Discussion List
July 7 – 14 Student Involvement and Critical Thinking in Adult Literacy Adult Literacy Professional Development
June 9 - 20 Implementing State Adult Education Content Standards Special Topics
May 12 - 16 Reading and Adult English Language Learners Adult English Language Learners
March 17 - 21 Transition from Corrections to Community Education Special Topics
February 25 - 29 Formative Assessment Special Topics
February 18 - 29 Discussing Diversity and Power Issues for Professional Development in Adult Literacy Poverty, Race, Women, and Literacy
February 4 - 8 Comprehension Monitoring Strategies for Adult Readers Family Literacy
February 4 - 8 Strategies for Innovation in Community College ESL Assessment
January 9-11 Learning Disabilities and Ohio: Policies and Professional Development Learning Disabilities

Month Held Topic Discussion List
December 10 - 14 Practical Strategies for Working with Literacy-Level Adult English Language Learners Adult English Language Learners
November 12 - 30 Professional Development Quality Standards Discussion Adult Literacy Professional Development
November 8 - 9 Guiding Teens with LD: Navigating the Transition from High School to Adulthood Learning Disabilities
October 15 - 22 Panel Discussion: Communication Between Patients and Health Care Providers Health Literacy
October 8 - 12 Creativity and the GED: Learning Outside the Practice Books Assessment
October 1 - 5 AdultEd Online, Technology Self-Assessment for Adult Literacy Instructors and Programs Technology
September 17 - 21 Components of Numeracy Special Topics
September 17 - 21 Health Literacy Results from the 2003 NAAL Health Literacy
September 7 -14 What International Literacy Programs offer Programs in the U.S. Special Topics
September 4 - 11 Project-Based Learning as Professional Development Adult Literacy Professional Development
August 15 - 29 Literacy in Recovery: Two years after Hurricane Katrina Poverty, Race, Women, and Literacy
August 20 - 24 Subscribers' Ideas for Special Topics Special Topics
July 23 - August 3 General Educational Development (GED) Diploma Outcomes Research Special Topics
July Financial Literacy Family Literacy
July Assessment in Distance Learning Assessment
July Research on Professional Development and Teacher Change: Implications for Adult Basic Education Adult Literacy Professional Development
June Community Literacy Special Topics
May Gender, Race, Socioeconomic Status (SES), and Adult Literacy: What Does the National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) tell us? Poverty, Race, Women, and Literacy
May Adult English Language List Content Standards Panel Adult English Language Learners
May Going the Distance: Online and Blended Models of Sustained Professional Development Adult Literacy Professional Development
May Teaching Writing Adult English Language Learners
April 30 - May 4 "Effective Research Dissemination" Lessons from NCSALL Focus on Basics
April "What Works" ESL/ESOL study Special Topics
April The Washington State Learning Disabilities Project Learning Disabilities
April Using Data for Program Improvement Assessment
April Planning Health Literacy Awareness Events Health Literacy
April Using Portable Devices in the Classroom Technology
April Work Readiness Credential Workplace Literacy
February Evaluation Expected Outcomes Family Literacy
February Bars, Boundaries, and Barriers in Researching Women's Spaces Poverty, Race, Women, and Literacy
February Transition from GED to Postsecondary Education Focus On Basics
January Self-Study: Broadening the Concepts of Participation and Program Support Focus On Basics
January Using Pictures in Health Education Health Literacy
Dividing Bar
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Last updated: Tuesday, 09-Sep-2008 08:22:56 EDT