2002-2003 Science Planning Summary

Aeronomy & Astrophysics

Dr. Vladimir Papitashvili
Program Manager


NSF/OPP 99-09872
Station: South Pole Station
RPSC POC: Rob Edwards
Research Site(s): South Pole Station

ELF/VLF waves at the South Pole
Dr. Umran S. Inan
Stanford University
Department of Electrical Engineering

Deploying Team Members: No Deployment
Research Objectives: The Very Low Frequency (VLF) Research Group at Stanford University investigates the earth's electrical environment, lightning discharges, radiation belts, and the ionized regions of the earth's upper atmosphere known as the ionosphere and magnetosphere. Much of the work involves very low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic waves which are generated by lightning discharges, by radio transmitters and by electrons in the energetic radiation belt. The researchers investigate the generation of these waves and the manner in which they propagate in and are scattered from various regions of the upper atmosphere. VLF waves are diagnostic tools to investigate physical processes in the vicinity of the earth's low and high altitude plasma environment. Instruments record data from a magnetic loop antenna using continuous and synoptic digital recording systems.

Field Season Overview:
The support contractor's science technician will provide year-round support to the system including changing data tapes, conducting routine instrument checks, and performing monthly calibration on this project's ELF/VLF recording equipment in South Pole Station's Cusp Lab.