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Early Start Resource Materials

Early Start has a variety of materials and products to support a statewide, comprehensive and coordinated system of child find, public awareness and outreach. Outreach materials increase appropriate referrals, increase the community's knowledge and understanding of early intervention services, and support families' role in early intervention.


Our Governor, Arnold Schewarzenegger, has signed a new proclamation to recognize April 2008 as "Early Start Month."

2001 Early Start Program: Family Satisfaction Survey

2001 Early Start Program: Family Satisfaction Survey
This survey was designed to measure family satisfaction regarding services provided by California's 21 regional centers.

A Family Introduction to California's Early Start Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Their Families

A Family Introduction to California's Early Start Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Their Families
This brochure provided to families at referral explains the steps to take if you have concerns about your child's development as well as what services are available if your child is determined eligible for Early Start. Available in English | Spanish | Native American (PDF)

California Early Start Program-The Role of the Health Care Provider

California Early Start Program-The Role of the Health Care Provider New Logo
This brochure explains Early Start eligibility criteria, and the important role played by the health care provider as part of a child's early intervention team. English (PDF)

Central Directory of Early Intervention Resources

Central Directory of Early Intervention Resources - 2006
This Directory provides descriptions of services offered by participating state agencies as well as how to access state and local information. Regional centers, family resource centers, and technical assistance resource listings are also included. English (PDF)

Early Start Information Packet (Fact Sheet)

Early Start Information Packet (Fact Sheet) Updated Publication
This Information packet explains the value of Early Start as well as specific roles of the various entities that participate in delivering services. English (PDF)

Early Start Part C State Performance Plan

Early Start Part C State Performance Plan
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) of 2004 requires states to have a State Performance Plan (SPP) for implementing the requirements and intent of the IDEA, Part C. Part C addresses the early intervention services for infants and toddlers (birth to 36 months of age). English - 2006 | 2007 | 2008 (PDF)

Early Start Part C State Performance Plan

Early Start Part C Annual Performance Report (2005-2006)
This report provides the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) with a progress report of the State’s Early Start Program as measured against the established targets for each of the indicators listed in its State Performance Plan (SPP) for fiscal year 2005-06. English (PDF)


Regional Center Local Program Performance Ratings (Early Start) ( 4/28/08)
These performance ratings are required by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to be posted on a state’s website under the authority of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004. They are meant to demonstrate a local area’s effectiveness in meeting state targets to indicators described in the State’s Performance Plan for early intervention services for infants and toddlers (birth to 36 months of age). See link above for the Early Start Part C State Performance Plan. English (PDF)

Early Start Part C State Performance Plan

Early Start Part C Annual Performance Report (2006-2007)
This report provides the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) with a progress report of the State’s Early Start Program as measured against the established targets for each of the indicators listed in its State Performance Plan (SPP) for fiscal year 2006-07. English (PDF)

Early Start Training Sponsorship Page

Early Start Training Sponsorship Page
A one-page document that acknowledges DDS funding and sponsorship of a local training event. English (PDF)

Early Start Poster

Early Start Poster
This poster promotes the statewide availability of Early Start services that are child and family centered. Information on how to access Early Start is presented in both English and Spanish (PDF).

Family Resource Centers

Family Resource Centers
Learn about the parent-to-parent family support services available through Early Start Family Resource Centers. Available in English | Spanish | Vietnamese (PDF)

Family Support for Guidelines for Effective Practice

Family Support for Guidelines for Effective Practice
The California Interagency Coordinating Council's recommended definitions and guidelines for effective practice when working with children and families. English (PDF)

Interagency Coordinating Council Annual Report

Interagency Coordinating Council Annual Report
This report describes the activities and accomplishments of California Early Start from July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003 and July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004. English (PDF)

Parents' Rights: An Early Start Guide for Families

Parents' Rights: An Early Start Guide for Families
This booklet provides in-depth information about procedural safeguards available to assure services are provided in a manner appropriate to the child's needs and the concerns of the family.
Available in English Updated Logo | Spanish | Chinese | Vietnamese (PDF)

A two-page summary of procedural safeguards - English Updated Logo | Spanish | Chinese | Vietnamese (PDF).

Reasons for Concern Brochure

Reasons for Concern Brochure
The purpose of the brochure is to facilitate finding and identifying infants and toddlers who may benefit from early intervention services and for encouraging appropriate referrals to Early Start. The brochure includes developmental information from birth to age five and was developed in collaboration with the California Department of Education.
Available in English | Spanish | Chinese | Vietnamese | Hmong (PDF)

Service Coordinator's Handbook - Transition

Service Coordinator's Handbook - Transition
This is an excerpt from the Service Coordinator's Handbook, Section 10 - Individualized Service Plan Process. It addresses transition requirements, procedural safeguards and documentation. California Department of Education also has a handbook on transition at the following link: www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/fp/documents/ectransitn.pdf.

Starting Out Together - An Early Intervention Guide for Families

Starting Out Together - An Early Intervention Guide for Families
Question and answer format with information provided on the key points of how the Early Start system works, such as eligibility, referral, and the child's service plan.
Available in English | Spanish | Vietnamese (PDF)

Effective Training and Technical Assistance

Effective Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA) Reflects and Promotes the Following Core Messages
Early Start endorses the Core Messages as a guide for effective early childhood T&TA activities, in the belief that they promote positive outcomes for young children and their families. The core messages were developed by the Training and Technical Assistance Collaborators, an interagency partnership in California dedicated to delivering quality personnel development activities for children birth to five with disabilities and other special needs and their families. English (PDF)

Please call 1-800-869-4337 to order any of the above publications at no cost. Additional publications may be requested at WestEd Center's Early Start Publications web site.

Last Updated: 9/11/2008