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Annual Part C Grant Application

PART C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act:
"Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities"

The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS), as lead agency for Part C, is providing the public with the opportunity to comment on California's amendment to the 2008 State application for federal early intervention funds. The amendment pertains to the proposal to implement a Family Cost Participation Program pursuant to California Government Code, Section 95004(b)(1) and Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 4783. DDS will accept input on the amendment beginning April 15 until May 23, 2008. The application is for Early Start, a statewide program for infants and toddlers (birth to three years of age) with disabilities and their families.

Only comments addressing the amendment will be accepted for consideration. Amendments to the application include Section II A (7) on page II-3 where DDS proposes the policy be submitted to OSEP by September 1, 2008, and Section IV A on page IV-1 where DDS indicates that a system of payments will be instituted for Family Cost Participation.

Persons submitting comments on the amendment should identify the item, referenced by the page number, and indicate support, opposition, suggested changes, additions or deletions pertaining to the specific item. Input will be considered if submitted to and received by the DDS contact person listed below prior to 5:00 p.m., May 23, 2008. Comments on the application amendment will be summarized by DDS and forwarded to the Federal Office of Special Education Programs.

The original draft application for 2008 federal early intervention funds is available for viewing only. Public comment is no longer being accepted for this version of the application.


Department of Developmental Services
Early Start State Services Section
1600 9th Street, Room 330
Sacramento, CA 95814

Charlaine Hamilton
Voice: (916) 654-2809
E-mail: charlaine.hamilton@dds.ca.gov

Last Updated: 4/14/2008