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Early Start Online Resources

Organization Description
WestEd Center WestEd Center for Prevention and Early Intervention and the Early Start Library provides nationally-recognized training, technical assistance and resources for successful education, special education, early intervention, and child care.
Family Resource Centers Network Family Resource Centers Network mission is to support children with special needs, those at risk, and their families, by ensuring the continuance, expansion, promotion and quality of family-centered, parent directed, family resource centers and networks. www.frcnca.org
National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center supports the implementation of the early childhood provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). www.nectac.org
Department of Education California Department of Education provides general information about special education, related laws, regulations and policies, quality child care and additional resources.

Special Education

Child Development Division

Solely Low Incidence Disabilities
The Department of Health Care Services The Department of Health Care Services' mission is to protect and promote the health status of Californians through the financing and delivery of individual health care services. The DHCS finances and administers a number of individual health care service delivery programs, including the California Medical Assistance Program (Medi-Cal). www.dhcs.ca.gov
Department of Social Services Department of Social Services assists individuals to prevent, or remedy neglect, abuse, or exploitation of children and adults. DSS provides home, community or institutional care to those in need of such services.
Department of Alcohol and Drugs Program Department of Alcohol & Drug Programs directs and coordinates the statewide effort to prevent and reduce alcohol and drug abuse and their effects. www.adp.ca.gov
Department of Mental Health Department of Mental Health directs and coordinates the statewide delivery of mental health services. www.dmh.ca.gov
Department of Managed Health Care Department of Managed Health Care: This first-in-the-nation consumer rights project was launched to help Californians resolve problems with their HMO as well as ensure a better, more solvent and stable managed health care system. www.dmhc.ca.gov
Last Updated: 10/30/2007